// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 90 North Edgewood Road owned by redacted-o9 in Bedminster Township, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 90 North Edgewood Road, Bedminster Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1801_59_14490

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 90 North Edgewood Road, Bedminster Township, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 59, Lot: 14490
Assessment (2023): $452,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,680
Area: 16875.5 acres
Perimeter: 27.79 miles
Population 2020: 8272
Pop Density 2020: 314/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Bedminster Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.648286507094-74.6300756419051801_59_147055 North Stone Edge Roadredacted-o8$541,800$7,260
40.649036845798-74.6299083140461801_59_1438383 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$526,400$7,053
40.648988824666-74.6298612544261801_59_1438484 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$465,800$6,241
40.648940517793-74.6298185743351801_59_1438585 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$475,700$6,374
40.648267151183-74.6297944795871801_59_146044 North Stone Edge Roadredacted-o8$545,900$7,065
40.648896245243-74.629751432161801_59_1438686 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$534,700$7,164
40.648258476102-74.629712089971801_59_146033 North Stone Edge Roadredacted-o8$498,800$6,683
40.648854465437-74.6296899142761801_59_1438787 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$549,800$7,367
40.648248092127-74.6296281198731801_59_146022 North Stone Edge Roadredacted-o8$469,200$6,440
40.648257117888-74.6295502975341801_59_146011 North Stone Edge Roadredacted-o8$548,400$7,348
40.648693217805-74.629539221111801_59_16500Stone Edgeredacted-o8
40.648736560082-74.6295035406161801_59_1448888 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$525,800$7,045
40.648691056838-74.6294456849811801_59_1448989 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$480,700$6,441
40.648643416632-74.6293879693181801_59_1449090 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$452,700$6,066
40.648613950756-74.629319437481801_59_1449191 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$567,400$7,603
40.649091821356-74.629216888561801_59_161055 Dorset Laneredacted-o8$529,900$7,100
40.649050952164-74.6291543968041801_59_161066 Dorset Laneredacted-o8$498,400$6,678
40.648511873927-74.6291201017081801_59_1459292 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$529,900$7,100
40.64900604232-74.6290879962771801_59_161077 Dorset Laneredacted-o8$485,200$6,501
40.648453544936-74.6290876076451801_59_1459393 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$488,100$6,540
40.648393328041-74.6290561281341801_59_1459494 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$442,100$5,924
40.648980094663-74.6290195765931801_59_161088 Dorset Laneredacted-o8$487,500$6,532
40.648346959392-74.6290064237741801_59_1459595 North Edgewood Roadredacted-o8$558,900$7,489
40.648950944691-74.6289508034331801_59_161099 Dorset Laneredacted-o8$573,000$7,678
40.648854748214-74.6287653460841801_59_1621010 Dorset Laneredacted-o8$555,600$7,445
40.648812482903-74.6287095308351801_59_1621111 Dorset Laneredacted-o8$480,800$6,442

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