// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Route 206 owned by redacted-o9 in Bedminster Township, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Route 206, Bedminster Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1801_15_25

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Route 206, Bedminster Township, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 15, Lot: 25
Assessment (2023): $44,300
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,680
Area: 16875.5 acres
Perimeter: 27.79 miles
Population 2020: 8272
Pop Density 2020: 314/sq-mi

26 neighbors on block 15 in Bedminster Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.692344994521-74.6585431298731801_15_147 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$641,100$8,590
40.692780298479-74.6585434017971801_15_245 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$548,400$7,348
40.69319203657-74.6585403293481801_15_343 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$570,600$7,646
40.693603261413-74.6585104463111801_15_441 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$560,200$7,506
40.694070411373-74.6584284472571801_15_539 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$576,900$7,730
40.69429193767-74.6576939145691801_15_637 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$623,500$8,354
40.69448820209-74.6569776350131801_15_735 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$685,500$9,185
40.694675842809-74.6562691761291801_15_833 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$694,600$9,307
40.694892401591-74.6555515697791801_15_931 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$551,200$7,386
40.695533824693-74.6548709122581801_15_1029 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$582,400$7,804
40.69572341092-74.6536770173991801_15_1127 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$767,100$10,279
40.695505034987-74.6525007222681801_15_1225 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$1,083,600$14,520
40.694554369899-74.6524781588791801_15_1323 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$763,800$10,234
40.693748257843-74.6527536934721801_15_1421 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$581,400$7,790
40.693259626884-74.6532090236231801_15_1519 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$644,100$8,630
40.693043509216-74.6540058231151801_15_1617 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$589,300$7,896
40.692832300241-74.6545717755631801_15_1715 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$587,000$7,865
40.692674915047-74.6551332115161801_15_1813 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$697,200$9,342
40.69250821084-74.6556867457091801_15_1911 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$645,600$8,651
40.692339664875-74.6562034243391801_15_209 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$716,700$9,603
40.692170917847-74.6566983879271801_15_217 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$635,300$8,513
40.69200098642-74.6572122126861801_15_225 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$617,700$8,277
40.691799030299-74.6578112987571801_15_233 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$556,800$7,461
40.691594250647-74.6584989350611801_15_241 Ski Hill Driveredacted-o8$543,700$7,285
1801_15_25Route 206redacted-o8$44,300$593
40.695246291739-74.6571623583211801_15_25_QFARMRoute 206redacted-o8$2,400$32

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