// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 103 Chestnut St owned by redacted-o9 in Salem, Salem County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 103 Chestnut St, Salem, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1713_51_5

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 103 Chestnut St, Salem, New Jersey
County: Salem
Block: 51, Lot: 5
Assessment (2023): $31,200
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 6'
Effective Flood Zone: AE X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,319
Area: 1761.36 acres
Perimeter: 8.01 miles
Population 2020: 5296
Pop Density 2020: 1924/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Salem whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.568350337308-75.4714897274241713_78_85 Meadowside Laneredacted-o8$10,800$848
39.568209052926-75.4711838925771713_78_9109 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$89,300$7,019
39.568425907793-75.47092640981713_51_3105-107 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$60,100$4,724
39.568562745792-75.4709134332131713_51_5103 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$31,200$2,452
39.568612634089-75.4708940810271713_51_5.01101 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$24,700$1,941
39.568658170093-75.47086862781713_51_699 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$25,100$1,973
39.568706105837-75.4708535229341713_51_797 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$30,700$2,413
39.568754237483-75.4708267248261713_51_893-95 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$42,900$3,372
39.56885198128-75.4707874494661713_51_1091 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$23,800$1,870
39.568901511795-75.4707612686911713_51_1189 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$25,500$2,004
39.56895085974-75.4707427185621713_51_1287 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$24,600$1,933
39.569000108281-75.4707236047431713_51_1385 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$19,600$1,540
39.569073368684-75.4706888875281713_51_1481-83 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$62,800$4,936
39.568051841278-75.4706122466951713_79_4100 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$35,700$2,806
39.568193995021-75.470555972411713_79_598 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$36,400$2,861
39.568315763723-75.4704981080281713_79_696 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$29,800$2,342
39.568399235784-75.4704572425171713_79_794 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$28,700$2,256
39.568485562224-75.470416425231713_79_892 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$28,400$2,232
39.568582636364-75.4703702048181713_79_990 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$29,000$2,279
39.568752104532-75.4702904179531713_79_1086-88 Chestnut Stredacted-o8$62,800$4,936
39.568195779735-75.4702888266071713_79_15327 Van Meter Terraceredacted-o8$55,500$4,362

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