// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1821 Parvin Mill Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Pittsgrove Township, Salem County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1821 Parvin Mill Rd, Pittsgrove Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1711_604_20

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1821 Parvin Mill Rd, Pittsgrove Township, New Jersey
County: Salem
Block: 604, Lot: 20
Assessment (2023): $190,600
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,861
Area: 29274.7 acres
Perimeter: 32.38 miles
Population 2020: 8777
Pop Density 2020: 192/sq-mi

25 neighbors on block 604 in Pittsgrove Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.539107785386-75.0910242764581711_604_1English Rdredacted-o8$3,600$144
39.539967163868-75.0902214432771711_604_2328 English Rdredacted-o8$140,900$5,644
39.54085531395-75.0905855684981711_604_3English Rdredacted-o8$4,100$164
39.542076604231-75.0879852981691711_604_4Parvin Mill Rdredacted-o8$15,200$608
39.543995274113-75.089792139561711_604_5English Rdredacted-o8$3,500$140
39.546979058951-75.0898558069741711_604_6222 English Rdredacted-o8$166,500$6,670
39.547740370794-75.0901471189241711_604_7210 English Rdredacted-o8$139,300$5,330
39.549997821332-75.0906194756331711_604_8733 Upper Neck Rdredacted-o8$143,300$5,490
39.550327469932-75.0893142918371711_604_9Upper Neck Rdredacted-o8$2,400$96
39.548345602862-75.0884268734841711_604_10Upper Neck Rd (rear)redacted-o8$6,200$248
39.551951789369-75.0869222496131711_604_11779 Upper Neck Rdredacted-o8$185,000$7,411
39.55065652418-75.0862719856791711_604_12793 Upper Neck Rdredacted-o8$215,600$8,386
39.552053237681-75.085812246241711_604_13785 Upper Neck Rdredacted-o8$98,700$3,953
39.550822183079-75.0846310203831711_604_14801 Upper Neck Rdredacted-o8$164,200$6,577
39.550964533914-75.0838872078311711_604_15811 Upper Neck Rdredacted-o8$157,500$6,309
39.552067222393-75.0831333344681711_604_16817 Upper Neck Rdredacted-o8$108,700$4,354
39.551251260481-75.0831387161051711_604_17819 Upper Neck Rdredacted-o8$239,700$9,602
39.551501358421-75.0805505634071711_604_18_QFARMUpper Neck Rdredacted-o8$15,700$628
39.551000792551-75.0775839655681711_604_191845 Parvin Mill Roadredacted-o8$151,400
1711_604_201821 Parvin Mill Rdredacted-o8$190,600$7,635
39.549658293192-75.0810749625291711_604_20_QFARMParvin Mill Rdredacted-o8$15,000$600
1711_604_211785 Parvin Mill Rdredacted-o8$12,700$508
39.547813836422-75.0844377725331711_604_21_QFARMParvin Mill Rdredacted-o8$34,800$1,394
39.54484146202-75.085761260551711_604_22_QFARMParvin Mill Rdredacted-o8$16,200$648
39.540438233458-75.0885928070051711_604_231647 Parvin Mill Rdredacted-o8$210,600$8,436

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