// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 776 Garden Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Pittsgrove Township, Salem County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 776 Garden Rd, Pittsgrove Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1711_601_10

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 776 Garden Rd, Pittsgrove Township, New Jersey
County: Salem
Block: 601, Lot: 10
Assessment (2023): $149,500
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,861
Area: 29274.7 acres
Perimeter: 32.38 miles
Population 2020: 8777
Pop Density 2020: 192/sq-mi

29 neighbors on block 601 in Pittsgrove Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.53152197767-75.1063269328241711_601_1664 Garden Rdredacted-o8$42,700$1,720
1711_601_2690 Garden Rdredacted-o8$149,700$6,032
39.53152166812-75.1048713090071711_601_2_QFARMGarden Rdredacted-o8$3,100$124
39.531589590147-75.0986774946881711_601_3_QFARMGarden Rdredacted-o8$13,300$535
39.534457647977-75.0994929832281711_601_41498 Parvin Mill Rdredacted-o8$147,000$5,888
1711_601_5467 Crow Pond Rdredacted-o8$276,200$11,064
39.534042938665-75.0952236473661711_601_5_QFARMParvin Mill Rdredacted-o8$25,800$1,033
39.532169108969-75.0920585603041711_601_5.01Crow Pond Rdredacted-o8$46,300$1,854
39.531636978818-75.0922439696431711_601_5.02545 Crow Pond Rdredacted-o8$270,200$10,824
39.530956486045-75.0924670652661711_601_5.03555 Crow Pond Rdredacted-o8$260,900$10,451
39.530432826148-75.0925684092411711_601_5.04563 Crow Pond Rdredacted-o8$227,200$9,101
39.533277097827-75.0919018722271711_601_6515 Crow Pond Rdredacted-o8$139,200$5,076
39.532687290522-75.0919060911021711_601_7529 Crow Pond Rdredacted-o8$179,100$7,174
39.529811751149-75.0924055175731711_601_8573 Crow Pond Rdredacted-o8$283,700$11,365
39.529302611499-75.0926111450581711_601_8.01581 Crow Pond Rdredacted-o8$172,000$6,931
39.528821053029-75.0928154928041711_601_8.02587 Crow Pond Rdredacted-o8$241,500$9,732
1711_601_9812 Garden Rdredacted-o8$153,700$6,194
39.52763562571-75.0944299446971711_601_9_QFARMGarden Rdredacted-o8$4,700$189
39.528507924036-75.0940447652171711_601_9.01_QFARMCrow Pond Rdredacted-o8$4,700$189
1711_601_10776 Garden Rdredacted-o8$149,500$6,024
39.529449198494-75.0971898192951711_601_10_QFARMGarden Rdredacted-o8$1,900$76
39.529570795101-75.0981561904551711_601_11762 Garden Rdredacted-o8$169,300$6,822
1711_601_12750 Garden Rdredacted-o8$200,700$8,088
39.529971462615-75.0995824994761711_601_12_QFARMGarden Rdredacted-o8$5,100$205
39.529824986147-75.1011507227291711_601_13732 Garden Rdredacted-o8$136,200$5,488
1711_601_14718 Garden Rdredacted-o8$162,800$6,641
39.530693664087-75.1016074309181711_601_14_QFARM718 Garden Rdredacted-o8$600$24
39.530343012549-75.1026733353821711_601_15712 Garden Rdredacted-o8$130,000$5,239
39.531009961852-75.1033492236351711_601_16704 Garden Rdredacted-o8$45,000$1,813

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