// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1339 Route 40 owned by redacted-o9 in Pilesgrove Township, Salem County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1339 Route 40, Pilesgrove Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1710_43_9

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1339 Route 40, Pilesgrove Township, New Jersey
County: Salem
Block: 43, Lot: 9
Assessment (2023): $187,900
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,001
Area: 22489.8 acres
Perimeter: 34.25 miles
Population 2020: 4183
Pop Density 2020: 119/sq-mi

26 neighbors on block 43 in Pilesgrove Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.653314344542-75.2688420307031710_43_1_QFARMWhig Lane Rd & Avis Millredacted-o8$96,400$3,575
1710_43_2305 Whig Lane Rdredacted-o8$194,300$7,206
39.649691073376-75.2644894177711710_43_2_QFARMWhig Lane Rdredacted-o8$89,700$3,326
1710_43_3259 Whig Lane Rdredacted-o8$383,400$14,220
39.649051976961-75.2591797873071710_43_3_QFARMWhig Lane Rdredacted-o8$81,000$3,004
39.648919636106-75.2691944699631710_43_4Avis Mill Rd Rearredacted-o8$12,000$445
39.644457662029-75.2584693763231710_43_5_QFARMWhig Lane Rd Rearredacted-o8$1,800$66
1710_43_6Avis Mill Rdredacted-o8$11,900$441
39.648004396711-75.2722736143981710_43_6_QFARMAvis Mill Rdredacted-o8$27,500$1,019
1710_43_6.01326 Avis Mill Rdredacted-o8$310,100$11,501
39.650562875822-75.2741517928531710_43_6.01_QFARMAvis Mill Rdredacted-o8$5,800$215
39.651629335039-75.2737200977151710_43_6.02328 Avis Mill Rdredacted-o8$178,400$6,616
1710_43_7260 Avis Mill Rdredacted-o8$176,300$6,538
39.643391564584-75.2696747082811710_43_7_QFARMAvis Mill Rdredacted-o8$127,200$4,717
39.643258298425-75.2803467891421710_43_8256 Avis Mill Rdredacted-o8$137,300$5,092
1710_43_91339 Route 40redacted-o8$187,900$6,969
39.64148431587-75.2767758031871710_43_9_QFARMRoute 40redacted-o8$32,700$1,212
39.638485691565-75.2741094269141710_43_101369 Route 40redacted-o8$258,200$9,576
39.638229642842-75.273451761271710_43_121373 Route 40redacted-o8$202,600$7,514
39.638927788229-75.2722560220541710_43_131383 Route 40redacted-o8$158,500$5,878
1710_43_13_B011383 Route 40redacted-o8$12,200$452
39.63917954449-75.2697297665651710_43_14491 Glassboro Rdredacted-o8$248,700$8,974
39.638030909071-75.2650692107161710_43_15_QFARMGlassboro Rdredacted-o8$19,500$723
39.638589636319-75.2616650621421710_43_16_QFARMGlassboro Rdredacted-o8$4,000$148
39.637758234161-75.2676829027351710_43_17485 Glassboro Rdredacted-o8$137,400$5,096
39.637756462369-75.2707152142771710_43_18507 Glassboro Rdredacted-o8$255,800$9,487

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