// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 68 Garfield Pl owned by redacted-o9 in Totowa Borough, Passaic County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 68 Garfield Pl, Totowa Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1612_108_4

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 68 Garfield Pl, Totowa Borough, New Jersey
County: Passaic
Block: 108, Lot: 4
Assessment (2023): $364,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,147
Area: 2610.51 acres
Perimeter: 9.93 miles
Population 2020: 11065
Pop Density 2020: 2713/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Totowa Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.901630521682-74.2115485346811612_112_17110 Washington Plredacted-o8$263,800$6,590
40.901632038801-74.2121620519721612_108_20113 Washington Plredacted-o8$334,200$8,665
40.901756171204-74.2120535976281612_108_19109 Washington Plredacted-o8$277,900$7,205
40.901778535791-74.2124698770151612_108_180 Garfield Plredacted-o8$344,800$8,940
40.901881235757-74.211945929821612_108_18105 Washington Plredacted-o8$318,300$8,253
40.901891792988-74.2123727235651612_108_276 Garfield Plredacted-o8$330,200$8,562
40.901984460659-74.2118573685751612_108_17103 Washington Plredacted-o8$277,600$7,198
40.901993413819-74.2122855712531612_108_372 Garfield Plredacted-o8$324,000$8,401
40.902026329089-74.2127597368691612_104_177 Garfield Plredacted-o8$333,100$8,637
40.902076489691-74.2117792053231612_108_16101 Washington Plredacted-o8$381,500$9,892
40.902084138956-74.2122072393361612_108_468 Garfield Plredacted-o8$364,500$9,451
40.902125711293-74.2128531079311612_104_240 Redman Stredacted-o8$402,700$10,442
40.902178530072-74.2116909086991612_108_1599 Washington Plredacted-o8$351,500$9,114
40.90219927437-74.212108881791612_108_564 Garfield Plredacted-o8$370,000$9,594
40.902263557993-74.2125639921231612_104_143 Lynden Plredacted-o8$390,800$10,133
40.9022794184-74.2116040144791612_108_14.0193 Washington Plredacted-o8$377,600$9,791
40.902326823782-74.2119998186761612_108_660 Garfield Plredacted-o8$312,000$8,090
40.902370800089-74.2115253949761612_108_1491 Washington Plredacted-o8$314,100$7,644
40.902373881227-74.2126698692661612_104_137 Lynden Plredacted-o8$344,500$8,932
40.902428187706-74.2119128407781612_108_756 Garfield Plredacted-o8$281,200$7,291
40.902455728716-74.2127683710471612_104_1211 Lynden Plredacted-o8$299,900$7,776
40.902519834707-74.2118342880961612_108_854 Garfield Plredacted-o8$327,300$8,486
40.902537383928-74.2128605943191612_104_1115 Lynden Plredacted-o8$313,900$7,889
40.902609007176-74.2123035225191612_105_18 Lynden Plredacted-o8$412,300$10,690
40.902611882544-74.2117551447721612_108_950 Garfield Plredacted-o8$400,800$10,392

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