// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 71 Parkway owned by redacted-o9 in Little Falls Township, Passaic County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 71 Parkway, Little Falls Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1605_71_127

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 71 Parkway, Little Falls Township, New Jersey
County: Passaic
Block: 71, Lot: 127
Assessment (2023): $145,500
Effective Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,195
Area: 1840.5 acres
Perimeter: 9.64 miles
Population 2020: 13360
Pop Density 2020: 4646/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Little Falls Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.889422548749-74.2410402081881605_71_13563 Parkwayredacted-o8$133,300$4,374
40.889501637068-74.2413883737931605_71_40126 William Stredacted-o8$191,900$6,298
40.88954846803-74.2418384405991605_84_72127 William Stredacted-o8$210,000$6,892
40.889552595281-74.2410700866731605_71_13365 Parkwayredacted-o8$185,800$6,097
40.889664100162-74.2414255547381605_71_37132 William Stredacted-o8$200,800$6,590
40.88968661316-74.2411008772151605_71_13167 Parkwayredacted-o8$185,400$6,084
40.889710680029-74.241874815451605_84_69133 William Stredacted-o8$180,200$5,914
40.889743478957-74.2406056480841605_86_5866 Parkwayredacted-o8$200,700$6,586
40.889821284768-74.2411318205331605_71_12969 Parkwayredacted-o8$145,200$4,765
40.889826365073-74.2414625346831605_71_34138 William Stredacted-o8$220,400$7,233
40.889882343499-74.2406070781021605_86_5670 Parkwayredacted-o8$151,800$4,982
40.889953443112-74.2411621851931605_71_12771 Parkwayredacted-o8$145,500$4,775
40.890021143851-74.2406088766711605_86_5472 Parkwayredacted-o8$54,000
40.890052615003-74.241514096641605_71_29148 William Stredacted-o8$186,900$6,134
40.89008652166-74.2411927611631605_71_12573 Parkwayredacted-o8$161,300$5,293
40.890161798764-74.2405990939881605_86_5274 Parkwayredacted-o8$279,000$9,156
40.890222302956-74.2412239585951605_71_12375 Parkwayredacted-o8$221,200$7,259
40.890284285112-74.2407264971691605_86_2776 Parkwayredacted-o8$173,200$5,684
40.890319836622-74.2415749961931605_71_24158 William Stredacted-o8$225,100$7,387
40.890354388813-74.2412543070761605_71_12177 Parkwayredacted-o8$195,400$6,413
40.890419714783-74.2407558227011605_86_2578 Parkwayredacted-o8$220,200$7,226
40.89042679898-74.2415993729311605_71_23162 William Stredacted-o8$106,000$3,478
40.890490830072-74.2412856554861605_71_11979 Parkwayredacted-o8$153,000$5,021

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