// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 20 Jackson St owned by redacted-o9 in Little Falls Township, Passaic County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 20 Jackson St, Little Falls Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1605_225_16

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 20 Jackson St, Little Falls Township, New Jersey
County: Passaic
Block: 225, Lot: 16
Assessment (2023): $241,200
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 138'
Effective Flood Zone: AH

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,195
Area: 1840.5 acres
Perimeter: 9.64 miles
Population 2020: 13360
Pop Density 2020: 4646/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Little Falls Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.886939291946-74.2198075930931605_226_927 Jackson Stredacted-o8$255,500$8,385
40.887006735407-74.2199677803231605_226_725 Jackson Stredacted-o8$243,300$7,985
40.887036194436-74.2205272171781605_227_72 Oak Plredacted-o8$254,000$8,336
40.887076327431-74.2201283903461605_226_523 Jackson Stredacted-o8$382,700$12,560
40.887191846657-74.219461428261605_225_2060 Harrison Stredacted-o8$282,500$9,271
40.887225535228-74.2204964143531605_227_415 Jackson Stredacted-o8$227,400$7,463
40.88730746136-74.2194433738671605_225_2254 Harrison Stredacted-o8$244,700$8,031
40.887339258415-74.2196993864351605_225_1924 Jackson Stredacted-o8$73,400$2,408
40.887379687694-74.2206674044491605_227_3238 Paterson Averedacted-o8$175,400$5,756
40.887410191679-74.2193146170281605_225_2452 Harrison Stredacted-o8$248,600$8,159
40.887478526481-74.2199572535471605_225_1620 Jackson Stredacted-o8$241,200$7,916
40.887545301299-74.2201166096261605_225_1416 Jackson Stredacted-o8$204,800$6,721
40.887577103045-74.2201921911911605_225_13Jackson Stredacted-o8$8,500
40.887607833444-74.2204510978861605_225_1.01246 Paterson Averedacted-o8$309,400$10,154
40.88761796508-74.2195434101951605_225_1122 Ryle Averedacted-o8$255,100$8,372
40.887716960797-74.2197803110671605_225_818 Ryle Averedacted-o8$259,200$8,506
40.887726393294-74.2203498493651605_225_1248 Paterson Averedacted-o8$209,800$6,885
40.887783957294-74.2199401742711605_225_614 Ryle Averedacted-o8$248,900$8,168
40.887797365762-74.2202343664671605_225_2250 Paterson Averedacted-o8$382,600$12,556
40.887913530476-74.2201344835911605_225_4254 Paterson Averedacted-o8$288,000$9,452
40.887970867348-74.2192783999361605_224_2121 Ryle Averedacted-o8$336,400

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