// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Mallard Island owned by redacted-o9 in Stafford Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Mallard Island, Stafford Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1531_203_9

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Mallard Island, Stafford Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 203, Lot: 9
Assessment (2019): $1,400
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 8'
Effective Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,065
Area: 34989.4 acres
Perimeter: 36.85 miles
Population 2020: 28617
Pop Density 2020: 523/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Stafford Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.67313635345-74.2179083884231531_200_1301251 West Mallard Driveredacted-o8$146,600$3,408
39.673162384061-74.217189913521531_204_30Mallard Islandredacted-o8$800$18
39.673224820448-74.217398515121531_203_14Mallard Islandredacted-o8$800$18
39.67323400336-74.2180088451491531_200_1311249 West Mallard Driveredacted-o8$203,300$4,726
39.673272753882-74.2168353462681531_204_121223 Penguin Boulevardredacted-o8$143,500$3,336
39.673301609048-74.217051845051531_204_28Mallard Islandredacted-o8$500$11
39.673414652852-74.2169873427451531_204_26Mallard Islandredacted-o8$300$6
39.673419622916-74.2174749925981531_203_13Mallard Islandredacted-o8$11,700$272
39.673490015443-74.2169443395151531_204_25Mallard Islandredacted-o8$300$6
39.67353652238-74.2166848377881531_204_8Mallard Islandredacted-o8$3,000$69
39.673560338437-74.2178366268361531_202_12Mallard Islandredacted-o8$1,700
39.673603059204-74.2168798367491531_204_23Mallard Islandredacted-o8$500$11
39.673664097667-74.2173225853131531_203_9Mallard Islandredacted-o8$1,400$32
39.67374396005-74.2177737895071531_202_10Mallard Islandredacted-o8$1,600
39.67375378437-74.2167938328491531_204_21Mallard Islandredacted-o8$500$11
39.673861709722-74.2177313996081531_202_9Mallard Islandredacted-o8$900
39.673890183794-74.2171935798311531_203_6Mallard Islandredacted-o8$2,700$62
39.673904508313-74.2167078262061531_204_19Mallard Islandredacted-o8$500$11
39.673941905486-74.2177025317341531_202_8Mallard Islandredacted-o8$900
39.674017552028-74.2166433219481531_204_18Mallard Islandredacted-o8$300$6
39.67402211374-74.2176736566861531_202_7Mallard Islandredacted-o8$900$20
39.67408300156-74.2169670709831531_203_3Mallard Islandredacted-o8$500$11
39.674149537816-74.2171620704831531_203_18Mallard Islandredacted-o8$500$11
39.674177891844-74.2176467225261531_202_5Mallard Islandredacted-o8$1,500$34

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