// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 611-13 Hardenbergh owned by redacted-o9 in Point Pleasant Borough, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 611-13 Hardenbergh, Point Pleasant Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1525_54_40

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 611-13 Hardenbergh, Point Pleasant Borough, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 54, Lot: 40
Assessment (2019): $318,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,594
Area: 2693.61 acres
Perimeter: 10.02 miles
Population 2020: 18941
Pop Density 2020: 4500/sq-mi

18 neighbors in Point Pleasant Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.081604902944-74.081977794551525_54_44622 Marshall Drredacted-o8$304,600$6,353
40.081674290132-74.0815452968821525_54_433001 Garrison Drredacted-o8$256,400$5,348
40.081786395558-74.082043096741525_54_45618 Marshall Drredacted-o8$450,000$9,387
40.081805018303-74.0815894605581525_54_42617 Hardenbergh Averedacted-o8$503,000$10,492
40.081934629772-74.0816366562371525_54_41615 Hardenbergh Averedacted-o8$243,700$5,083
40.08198551866-74.0821127247741525_54_46616 Marshall Drredacted-o8$274,200$5,719
40.082106572286-74.0816974810211525_54_40611-13 Hardenberghredacted-o8$318,400$6,641
40.082155105581-74.0821742814611525_54_47614 Marshall Drredacted-o8$239,500$4,745
40.082212293552-74.0810013202621525_52_6610 Hardenbergh Averedacted-o8$300,800$6,274
40.082288138703-74.0822198591541525_54_48612 Marshall Drredacted-o8$218,000$4,547
40.082306917807-74.0817683548491525_54_38609 Hardenbergh Averedacted-o8$417,200$8,702
40.082344513474-74.0810508229291525_52_5608 Hardenbergh Averedacted-o8$279,700$5,834
40.082435419618-74.0822729801271525_54_50608 Marshall Drredacted-o8$313,900$6,547
40.082469339354-74.0818258143311525_54_37607 Hardenbergh Averedacted-o8$280,800$5,857
40.082478729106-74.0810966552281525_52_4606 Hardenbergh Averedacted-o8$309,400$6,454
40.082600682754-74.0823316572341525_54_51606 Marshall Drredacted-o8$290,000$6,049
40.082602704839-74.0818729911191525_54_36605 Hardenbergh Averedacted-o8$621,600$12,966
40.082611994612-74.0811460434131525_52_3604 Hardenbergh Averedacted-o8$280,700$5,855

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