// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 2211 Foster Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Point Pleasant Borough, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 2211 Foster Rd, Point Pleasant Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1525_237_31

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 2211 Foster Rd, Point Pleasant Borough, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 237, Lot: 31
Assessment (2019): $236,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,594
Area: 2693.61 acres
Perimeter: 10.02 miles
Population 2020: 18941
Pop Density 2020: 4500/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Point Pleasant Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.07476612621-74.0670404625371525_236_32204 Foster Rdredacted-o8$376,000$7,843
40.074789697681-74.067213904791525_236_42206 Foster Rdredacted-o8$338,500$7,061
40.074814869957-74.0673861787621525_236_52208 Foster Rdredacted-o8$328,500$6,852
40.074838770493-74.0675601721441525_236_62210 Foster Rdredacted-o8$213,900$4,461
40.074863806767-74.0677386121421525_236_72212 Foster Rdredacted-o8$237,300$4,950
40.074888313708-74.067917107781525_236_82214 Foster Rdredacted-o8$392,900$8,195
40.074910194149-74.0680884385711525_236_8.012216 Foster Rdredacted-o8$410,400$8,560
40.074934533253-74.0682619748941525_236_102218 Foster Rdredacted-o8$257,800$5,377
40.07517123886-74.0669546724361525_237_34.012203 Foster Rdredacted-o8$289,300$6,034
40.075195641488-74.0671313421821525_237_342205 Foster Rdredacted-o8$289,300$5,784
40.075219923554-74.067305552211525_237_332207 Foster Rdredacted-o8$237,600$4,956
40.07524438678-74.0674779568311525_237_322209 Foster Rdredacted-o8$289,200$6,032
40.075268094454-74.0676524012741525_237_312211 Foster Rdredacted-o8$236,800$4,939
40.075304057776-74.0679173019221525_237_292213 Foster Rdredacted-o8$322,600$6,729
40.075338925982-74.0681790221811525_237_282217 Foster Rdredacted-o8$310,200$6,470
40.075362912373-74.0683524518881525_237_272219 Foster Rdredacted-o8$269,700$5,625
40.075464480915-74.0670681085711525_237_32204 Rogers Rdredacted-o8$283,900$5,922
40.075488269019-74.0672406638631525_237_42206 Rogers Rdredacted-o8$277,900$5,796
40.075512380203-74.0674122376091525_237_52208 Rogers Rdredacted-o8$254,700$5,313
40.075536177859-74.0675859147961525_237_62210 Rogers Rdredacted-o8$221,000$4,610
40.075561343095-74.0677626660531525_237_72212 Rogers Rdredacted-o8$280,700$5,855
40.075584962533-74.0679393045361525_237_82214 Rogers Rdredacted-o8$245,400$5,179
40.075608721134-74.068110649061525_237_92216 Rogers Rdredacted-o8$487,300$10,165
40.075633259623-74.0682834917851525_237_102218 Rogers Rdredacted-o8$241,600$5,039

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