// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 2 Oakland Bay Court owned by redacted-o9 in Little Egg Harbor Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 2 Oakland Bay Court, Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1517_325_344

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 2 Oakland Bay Court, Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 325, Lot: 344
Assessment (2019): $111,100
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 8'
Effective Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,085
Area: 47342.9 acres
Perimeter: 58.69 miles
Population 2020: 20784
Pop Density 2020: 281/sq-mi

19 neighbors in Little Egg Harbor Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.547209683295-74.3880803783521517_325_351Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$200$5
39.547219461151-74.3874161777231517_325_34140 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$118,200$3,122
39.547360388714-74.3875999162461517_325_34236 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$102,800$2,715
39.547421083078-74.3883438483261517_325_34918 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$106,400$3,136
39.547456000622-74.3877015596481517_325_34332 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$110,500$2,919
39.547480158194-74.3882228666161517_325_34814 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$102,600$2,710
39.547514917439-74.3881514743941517_325_34710 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$103,200$2,726
39.547550325747-74.3880787526841517_325_3466 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$112,700$2,977
39.547585186869-74.3880065987531517_325_3454 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$104,800$2,768
39.547657908838-74.3878429649291517_325_3442 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$111,100$2,935
39.547759699991-74.3879150115771517_325_22.24Off Bay Harbor Boulevardredacted-o8$63,900
39.547762329868-74.3871696323241517_325_5815 Corpus Cristi Bay Ct.redacted-o8$202,900$5,360
39.547808622853-74.3872303194751517_325_5711 Corpus Cristi Bay Ct.redacted-o8$163,200$4,311
39.547857607944-74.3872914262831517_325_567 Corpus Cristi Bay Ct.redacted-o8$202,600$5,352
39.547872154977-74.3881280121091517_325_3115 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$107,800$2,848
39.547936178463-74.387411067111517_325_553 Corpus Cristi Bay Ct.redacted-o8$185,500$4,900
39.547968367232-74.3882108433411517_325_3127 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$109,100$2,882
39.548062230512-74.3885355173071517_325_31415 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$68,900$1,820
39.548142556136-74.3883239693561517_325_31311 Oakland Bay Courtredacted-o8$107,900$2,850

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