// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 124 East Brig Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Little Egg Harbor Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 124 East Brig Drive, Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1517_321_22

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 124 East Brig Drive, Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 321, Lot: 22
Assessment (2019): $136,700
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 8'
Effective Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,085
Area: 47342.9 acres
Perimeter: 58.69 miles
Population 2020: 20784
Pop Density 2020: 281/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Little Egg Harbor Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.565779919266-74.3683540433411517_321_10107 East Boat Driveredacted-o8$296,600$7,836
39.565801765417-74.3681794888281517_321_9109 East Boat Driveredacted-o8$149,700$4,401
39.56582305912-74.3680059019321517_321_8111 East Boat Driveredacted-o8$245,300$6,230
39.565845137309-74.3678268386141517_321_7113 East Boat Driveredacted-o8$160,800$4,248
39.565866697634-74.3676519673751517_321_6115 East Boat Driveredacted-o8$236,000$5,985
39.565888186362-74.3674776826141517_321_5117 East Boat Driveredacted-o8$216,200$5,712
39.566233209246-74.3688057561351517_321_18116 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$144,500$3,817
39.566242843832-74.3686347784241517_321_19118 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$137,600$3,385
39.566265215653-74.3684593193181517_321_20120 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$166,600$4,401
39.566287519594-74.3682858953011517_321_21122 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$152,400$4,026
39.566309924775-74.368111674881517_321_22124 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$136,700$3,656
39.5663330251-74.3679320421921517_321_23126 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$80,000$2,113
39.566350588362-74.3677555278961517_321_24128 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$164,300$4,340
39.56643907425-74.3674031494631517_321_25132 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$141,100$10,507
39.566623217572-74.3687069277561517_320_8117 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$127,300$5,191
39.566645742072-74.3685302118231517_320_7119 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$150,600$3,978
39.566668085714-74.3683564957031517_320_6121 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$216,200$5,712
39.566690391136-74.3681830550451517_320_5123 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$87,100$8,274
39.566713327396-74.3680047228881517_320_4125 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$211,100$5,577
39.566740571893-74.3678317268091517_320_3127 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$149,300$3,944
39.566768423528-74.3675606941251517_320_1129 East Brig Driveredacted-o8$154,900$4,092

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