// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 63 Timberline Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Little Egg Harbor Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 63 Timberline Drive, Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1517_285_357

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 63 Timberline Drive, Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 285, Lot: 357
Assessment (2019): $116,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,085
Area: 47342.9 acres
Perimeter: 58.69 miles
Population 2020: 20784
Pop Density 2020: 281/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Little Egg Harbor Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.58628090994-74.3638951181791517_285_35355 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$134,100$3,553
39.586284447847-74.364012117751517_285_35457 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$137,700$3,399
39.586287985197-74.3641291164881517_285_35559 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$146,900$3,892
39.586297095593-74.364430478841517_285_35661 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$184,300$4,883
39.586300632068-74.3645474787741517_285_35763 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$116,500$3,087
39.586304169004-74.3646644778511517_285_35865 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$141,400$3,747
39.586307704729-74.3647814772321517_285_35967 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$119,800$3,174
39.586391415404-74.3651179453411517_285_36069 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$148,000$3,922
39.586444970447-74.3652123869041517_285_36171 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$138,400$3,667
39.586668787292-74.3649567472711517_285_18_C0075216 Pine Valley Courtredacted-o8$109,100$2,891
39.586708243395-74.3650282735781517_285_18_C0076226 Pine Valley Courtredacted-o8$97,100$2,573
39.586716940727-74.364912376551517_285_18_C0074218 Pine Valley Courtredacted-o8$109,100$2,891
39.586718952275-74.3639344738131517_285_40348 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$136,200$3,609
39.586722491205-74.3640514732081517_285_40450 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$129,600$3,434
39.586726027998-74.3641684732581517_285_40552 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$132,000$3,248
39.586729564223-74.3642854733211517_285_40654 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$154,300$4,088
39.586733101424-74.3644024731061517_285_40756 Timberline Driveredacted-o8$162,800$4,314
39.58675639744-74.3649839020931517_285_18_C0073228 Pine Valley Courtredacted-o8$99,600$2,639
39.586765094061-74.3648680038971517_285_18_C0071224 Pine Valley Courtredacted-o8$106,400$2,819
39.586804550912-74.3649395299861517_285_18_C0072214 Pine Valley Courtredacted-o8$97,100$2,573
39.586813247726-74.3648236309561517_285_18_C0070222 Pine Valley Courtredacted-o8$106,400$2,819

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