// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 617 Hackett Street owned by redacted-o9 in Lakewood Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 617 Hackett Street, Lakewood Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1515_234_14

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 617 Hackett Street, Lakewood Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 234, Lot: 14
Assessment (2019): $234,100
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 28,611
Area: 16059.9 acres
Perimeter: 24.40 miles
Population 2020: 135158
Pop Density 2020: 5386/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Lakewood Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.096840478836-74.2043239032111515_235_29195 Ridge Avenueredacted-o8$621,300$14,115
40.096866360713-74.2047374730431515_238_32606 Hackett Streetredacted-o8$227,300$5,164
40.096872082476-74.2054164487231515_238_15.07183 Ridge Avenueredacted-o8$572,900$13,016
40.09691650405-74.204950364711515_238_12.02612 Hackett Streetredacted-o8$193,000$13,482
40.09700369452-74.204287463631515_235_47613 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$556,600$12,645
40.097019384324-74.2051866951341515_238_12.01616 Hackett Streetredacted-o8$195,000$14,090
40.0971388329-74.2046278052241515_234_12611 Hackett Streetredacted-o8$250,900$3,501
40.097139742199-74.2042703439211515_235_48615 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$297,300$6,754
40.097178270969-74.2056037492071515_238_11565 Park Avenueredacted-o8$300,300$6,822
40.097284800401-74.2047983180991515_234_13615 Hackett Streetredacted-o8$260,800$3,601
40.097334318374-74.2049633238721515_234_14617 Hackett Streetredacted-o8$234,100$14,424
40.097341467771-74.204540498951515_234_11614 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$244,400$5,216
40.097361313545-74.2055037581491515_234_1625-625a Hackett Streetredacted-o8$666,800$15,149
40.097432963686-74.2051423208761515_234_15.01623 Hackett Streetredacted-o8$543,900$12,357
40.097477228702-74.2049833234951515_234_15.02621 Hackett Streetredacted-o8$671,200$15,249
40.097485007989-74.2054262779281515_234_2605 Park Avenueredacted-o8$271,000$6,157
40.097497461026-74.2045644158491515_234_10622 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$635,500$14,438
40.097610741534-74.2053493559481515_234_3609 Park Avenueredacted-o8$309,300$7,027
40.097630142003-74.2046409873021515_234_9.03626 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$558,400$12,686
40.097722025833-74.2046722698581515_234_9.04632 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$552,100$12,543
40.097735720956-74.2052733253271515_234_4611 Park Avenueredacted-o8$559,500$12,711
40.097801795502-74.2046432706611515_234_9.05634 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$549,000$12,473
40.097862451596-74.205197558711515_234_5613 Park Avenueredacted-o8$751,000$17,062

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