// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 10 Gaskin Lane owned by redacted-o9 in Jackson Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 10 Gaskin Lane, Jackson Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1512_15701_11

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 10 Gaskin Lane, Jackson Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 15701, Lot: 11
Assessment (2019): $427,600
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 22,168
Area: 64408.1 acres
Perimeter: 42.11 miles
Population 2020: 58544
Pop Density 2020: 582/sq-mi

21 neighbors on block 15701 in Jackson Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.111836546314-74.3063982448411512_15701_166 Butterfly Roadredacted-o8$215,100$5,257
40.111395154576-74.3061370258731512_15701_274 Butterfly Roadredacted-o8$301,500$7,368
40.110858723805-74.3058425338551512_15701_382 Butterfly Roadredacted-o8$225,100$5,501
40.110180428205-74.3059213939471512_15701_4Butterfly Roadredacted-o8$104,900$2,563
40.108452318426-74.3085336507681512_15701_5Butterfly Roadredacted-o8$598,700
40.109002404789-74.3058624709571512_15701_6116 Butterfly Roadredacted-o8$274,800$6,716
40.108751792082-74.3057728016931512_15701_7122 Butterfly Roadredacted-o8$371,500$9,079
40.108431048968-74.3054290691421512_15701_8126 Butterfly Roadredacted-o8$371,500$9,079
40.108026647199-74.305393659451512_15701_92 Gaskin Laneredacted-o8$362,700$8,864
40.107335497037-74.3045158292631512_15701_10Gaskin Laneredacted-o8$13,200
1512_15701_1110 Gaskin Laneredacted-o8$427,600$10,450
40.107410280424-74.3059758881651512_15701_11_QFARMGaskin Laneredacted-o8$4,100$105
40.105147761261-74.310983692861512_15701_12Butterfly Road (rear)redacted-o8$75,300
40.108009392493-74.3160031905351512_15701_14Bennetts Mills Roadredacted-o8$1,229,100
40.111525586952-74.3213798238521512_15701_16Bennetts Mills Road Rearredacted-o8$169,000$4,130
40.111827380698-74.323275550241512_15701_17Bennetts Mills Road Rearredacted-o8$1,200
40.112576763129-74.3242361189381512_15701_18Bennetts Mills Road Rearredacted-o8$1,200
40.114885829748-74.3196028016961512_15701_20293 Bennetts Mills Roadredacted-o8$285,300$6,972
40.114879170239-74.3190728672661512_15701_21301 Bennetts Mills Roadredacted-o8$328,900$8,038
40.10981631375-74.3112150784111512_15701_25Butterfly Roadredacted-o8$27,000
40.108675724666-74.312067558231512_15701_26Butterfly Road (rear)redacted-o8$63,000$1,539

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