// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 8 Medinah Court owned by redacted-o9 in Jackson Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 8 Medinah Court, Jackson Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1512_14902_32

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 8 Medinah Court, Jackson Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 14902, Lot: 32
Assessment (2019): $330,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 22,168
Area: 64408.1 acres
Perimeter: 42.11 miles
Population 2020: 58544
Pop Density 2020: 582/sq-mi

15 neighbors in Jackson Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.109469166761-74.2873325753241512_14902_3616 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$352,800$8,812
40.109603500869-74.2874381053211512_14902_3514 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$301,100$7,521
40.109737636702-74.2875439176751512_14902_3412 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$359,500$8,980
40.109871514555-74.2876503589871512_14902_3310 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$327,300$8,175
40.110005381035-74.2877568591531512_14902_328 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$330,700$8,260
40.110017732715-74.2870940253411512_14903_4515 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$248,700$6,212
40.1101353537-74.2871867262651512_14903_4613 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$246,200$5,900
40.110139247561-74.2878633626761512_14902_316 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$341,200$8,523
40.110252753523-74.2872793587131512_14903_479 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$247,200$5,925
40.110273125616-74.2879698777841512_14902_304 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$307,400$7,678
40.110341790094-74.2883947223521512_14902_2711 Merion Laneredacted-o8$324,100$8,096
40.110370154565-74.2873719924241512_14903_487 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$274,500$6,857
40.110412915709-74.2882418204261512_14902_289 Merion Laneredacted-o8$313,500$7,831
40.110487555291-74.2874646268071512_14903_495 Medinah Courtredacted-o8$269,400
40.110495780925-74.2880608386381512_14902_297 Merion Laneredacted-o8$264,100$6,347

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