// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 2055 Baltimore Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in Toms River Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 2055 Baltimore Avenue, Toms River Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1508_980_3

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 2055 Baltimore Avenue, Toms River Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 980, Lot: 3
Assessment (2019): $199,200
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 6'
Effective Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 53,563
Area: 33716.3 acres
Perimeter: 43.08 miles
Population 2020: 95438
Pop Density 2020: 1812/sq-mi

19 neighbors in Toms River Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.960276896052-74.073424615811508_981_25212 First Avenueredacted-o8$171,500$4,277
39.960278491258-74.0735860502251508_981_232048 Baltimore Avenueredacted-o8$286,400$7,142
39.960312038573-74.0740834924591508_980_92049 Baltimore Avenueredacted-o8$326,500$8,142
39.960384806233-74.0735689443291508_981_212050 Baltimore Avenueredacted-o8$385,800$9,621
39.960389390211-74.0743093289681508_980_45220 First Avenueredacted-o8$287,100$6,660
39.960403327006-74.0744508881311508_980_43222 First Avenueredacted-o8$358,400$11,694
39.96041726203-74.0745924519141508_980_41224 First Avenueredacted-o8$174,800$4,359
39.960421078028-74.0740665416331508_980_72051 Baltimore Avenueredacted-o8$375,900$9,374
39.960431197711-74.0747340102641508_980_39226 First Avenueredacted-o8$227,600$5,676
39.960478469299-74.0735396038841508_981_192052 Baltimore Avenueredacted-o8$245,700$7,766
39.960530117721-74.0740495944531508_980_52053 Baltimore Avenueredacted-o8$160,700$9,626
39.960575015194-74.0735237808211508_981_182054 Baltimore Avenueredacted-o8$425,800$10,619
39.960639158053-74.0740326439731508_980_32055 Baltimore Avenueredacted-o8$199,200$4,968
39.960650527298-74.0741983984341508_980_11219 Trenton Avenueredacted-o8$168,500$4,202
39.960664178333-74.074340002261508_980_13221 Trenton Avenueredacted-o8$576,500$14,377
39.960677826275-74.0744816078021508_980_15223 Trenton Avenueredacted-o8$273,200$6,813
39.960691480269-74.074623210391508_980_17225 Trenton Avenueredacted-o8$323,700$8,073
39.960710049379-74.0735023965141508_981_162056 Baltimore Avenueredacted-o8$255,100$6,362
39.960743620275-74.0740159391041508_980_12057 Baltimore Avenueredacted-o8$344,200$8,584

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