// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 99 Breton Rd. owned by redacted-o9 in Brick Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 99 Breton Rd., Brick Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1507_624_10

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 99 Breton Rd., Brick Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 624, Lot: 10
Assessment (2019): $206,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 55,316
Area: 20744 acres
Perimeter: 28.09 miles
Population 2020: 73620
Pop Density 2020: 2271/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Brick Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.048876107803-74.1158024297041507_615_3200 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$244,000$5,714
40.048883171735-74.1153448268371507_624_1119 Breton Rd.redacted-o8$209,700$4,911
40.048949969194-74.115001422291507_629_8.0160 London Rd.redacted-o8$184,400$4,318
40.049002115635-74.1153698870031507_624_3113 Breton Rd.redacted-o8$206,700$4,840
40.049010256467-74.1159275809771507_615_6196 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$199,000$4,660
40.049073173086-74.1150132998341507_629_656 London Rd.redacted-o8$159,400$3,483
40.049111730505-74.1153784546951507_624_5111 Breton Rd.redacted-o8$247,600$5,798
40.049182718491-74.1150235719871507_629_452 London Rd.redacted-o8$174,000$4,075
40.049221355672-74.1153872904391507_624_7105 Breton Rd.redacted-o8$203,000$4,754
40.049333295453-74.1150374461261507_629_246 London Rd.redacted-o8$259,100$6,068
40.049362172021-74.1157967467941507_621_1100 Breton Rdredacted-o8$222,400$4,309
40.049380817016-74.1154025157021507_624_1099 Breton Rd.redacted-o8$206,300$4,831
40.049495088511-74.1154134406911507_624_12.0195 Breton Rd.redacted-o8$177,300$4,152
40.049495467391-74.1150523933511507_629_1140 London Rd.redacted-o8$221,100$5,178
40.049610226475-74.1159806746511507_621_5177 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$257,500$6,030
40.049641595387-74.1154274700221507_624_1589 Breton Rd.redacted-o8$199,200$4,665
40.049685073807-74.1150698677441507_629_1230 London Rd.redacted-o8$333,500$7,810
40.04976480583-74.1154392579631507_624_17.0185 Breton Rd.redacted-o8$227,500$5,328
40.049876778961-74.1150875354541507_629_1320 London Rd.redacted-o8$211,900
40.049915418362-74.1154536606651507_624_2081 Breton Rd.redacted-o8$178,500$4,180

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