// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 89 Pinehurst Rd. owned by redacted-o9 in Brick Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 89 Pinehurst Rd., Brick Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1507_619_6

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 89 Pinehurst Rd., Brick Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 619, Lot: 6
Assessment (2019): $212,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 55,316
Area: 20744 acres
Perimeter: 28.09 miles
Population 2020: 73620
Pop Density 2020: 2271/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Brick Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.05089516008-74.1182087164111507_617_53102 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$198,100$4,639
40.050939273392-74.1187560009751507_617_16273 Cedarhurst Rd.redacted-o8$249,000$5,831
40.050971373911-74.1176248689861507_620_39113 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$177,900$4,166
40.051019020472-74.1183593305571507_617_56.0196 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$158,500$3,712
40.05102885961-74.1188666679471507_617_164.0169 Cedarhurst Rdredacted-o8$183,300$4,292
40.051051542796-74.1177225343921507_620_41109 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$157,900$3,698
40.051129336968-74.1184934813831507_617_5992 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$195,400$4,326
40.051217632773-74.1179209700231507_619_111 Cedar Rd.redacted-o8$211,200$4,946
40.051219602371-74.1186032435891507_617_61.0188 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$165,700$3,880
40.051282021692-74.1175126951581507_620_43100 Metedeconk Rd.redacted-o8$222,600$4,963
40.051329920835-74.1187373895641507_617_6480 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$194,100$4,545
40.05133022204-74.1180620325961507_619_495 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$191,700$4,489
40.051410384755-74.1181596965731507_619_689 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$212,400$4,974
40.051437797384-74.1177004568681507_619_711 Cedar Rd.redacted-o8$215,800$5,054
40.051518011539-74.1177980492571507_619_6994 Metedeconk Rd.redacted-o8$222,300$5,206
40.051530631484-74.1183061904721507_619_983 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$204,800$4,796
40.051598232289-74.1178956362941507_619_6790 Metedeconk Rd.redacted-o8$228,600$5,353
40.051650875744-74.1184526823771507_619_1277 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$204,500$4,789
40.051708807391-74.1180294331691507_619_64.0184 Metedeconk Rd.redacted-o8$179,900$4,241
40.051771122763-74.1185991775511507_619_1573 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$206,800$4,843
40.051789243169-74.1181267141651507_619_62.0180 Metedeconk Rd.redacted-o8$174,500$4,086
40.05185128285-74.118696845581507_619_1769 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$217,900$5,103
40.051919954251-74.1182847947971507_619_5976 Metedeconk Rd.redacted-o8$214,500$5,023
40.051941467464-74.1188067112071507_619_19.0163 Pinehurst Rd.redacted-o8$213,200$4,993

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