// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 14 So. Sailor's Quay Dr. owned by redacted-o9 in Brick Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 14 So. Sailor's Quay Dr., Brick Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1507_340_167_C0605

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 14 So. Sailor's Quay Dr., Brick Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 340, Lot: 167, QCode: C0605
Assessment (2019): $212,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 55,316
Area: 20744 acres
Perimeter: 28.09 miles
Population 2020: 73620
Pop Density 2020: 2271/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Brick Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.03793776511-74.1331486501521507_340_167_C110230 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$216,500$5,070
40.037993018378-74.1325784219871507_340_167_C040631 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$205,700$4,817
40.038000735267-74.1331470238641507_340_167_C110328 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$214,800$5,030
40.038051201318-74.1325619851191507_340_167_C040529 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$206,900$4,543
40.038064551638-74.1331565518471507_340_167_C110426 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$220,500$5,164
40.038118164839-74.1325483452951507_340_167_C040427 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$207,100$4,850
40.038185022864-74.1325324701881507_340_167_C040325 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$206,500$4,836
40.038209372756-74.1331637490211507_340_167_C060122 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$218,900$5,126
40.038251941704-74.1325175146321507_340_167_C040223 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$220,800$5,171
40.038275998755-74.1331446700711507_340_167_C060220 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$221,200$5,180
40.038321900066-74.1324989533411507_340_167_C040121 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$212,900$4,986
40.038342420738-74.1331249008071507_340_167_C060318 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$205,800$4,819
40.038408744349-74.1331055456871507_340_167_C060416 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$205,800$4,819
40.038425683795-74.1324698196271507_340_167_C030619 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$207,000$4,847
40.038477507511-74.1330822104911507_340_167_C060514 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$212,900$4,986
40.038485021253-74.1324571316691507_340_167_C030517 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$224,700$5,262
40.038554049279-74.1324429489141507_340_167_C030415 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$208,800$4,648
40.038591668377-74.1330379492491507_340_167_C050112 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$212,900$4,986
40.038621297278-74.1324280622471507_340_167_C030313 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$205,000$4,801
40.038653666501-74.1330373381681507_340_167_C050210 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$213,200$4,993
40.038688333873-74.1324129161581507_340_167_C030211 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$219,100$5,131
40.038719489746-74.1330168163971507_340_167_C05038 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$207,400$4,857
40.038757315455-74.1323933858511507_340_167_C03019 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$213,300$4,995
40.038785738485-74.1329974419271507_340_167_C05046 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$205,100$4,803
40.038852108474-74.1329784869571507_340_167_C05054 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$219,900$5,150
40.038918710329-74.132952009111507_340_167_C05062 So. Sailor's Quay Dr.redacted-o8$206,600$4,838

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