// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 116 Neptune Ct. owned by redacted-o9 in Brick Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 116 Neptune Ct., Brick Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1507_30_26

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 116 Neptune Ct., Brick Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 30, Lot: 26
Assessment (2019): $586,100
Effective Flood Zone: AO

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 55,316
Area: 20744 acres
Perimeter: 28.09 miles
Population 2020: 73620
Pop Density 2020: 2271/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Brick Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.005432299983-74.0589108049181507_30_118109 Georgian Dr.redacted-o8$415,500$9,731
40.005479273919-74.0590418579161507_30_117111 Georgian Dr.redacted-o8$415,500$18,061
40.005528041548-74.0591735704021507_30_116113 Georgian Dr.redacted-o8$500,700$11,726
40.005583865828-74.0593243473041507_30_115115 Georgian Dr.redacted-o8$676,300$15,838
40.005642809009-74.0594835448941507_30_27117 Georgian Dr. (31)redacted-o8$476,900$11,168
40.005688461677-74.0588327261431507_30_122108 Neptune Ct.redacted-o8$677,200$15,860
40.005699916511-74.0596370352651507_30_28119 Georgian Dr.redacted-o8$581,000$13,607
40.005733042217-74.0589679185831507_30_121110 Neptune Ct.redacted-o8$680,600$15,939
40.005780784488-74.0591007342271507_30_120112 Neptune Ct.redacted-o8$509,600$11,934
40.005842116742-74.0592503019831507_30_119114 Neptune Ct.redacted-o8$518,800$12,150
40.005891999618-74.0594100472741507_30_26116 Neptune Ct.redacted-o8$586,100$13,726
40.005907404361-74.0601163526441507_26.01_47485 Route 35 No.redacted-o8$306,200$7,171
40.00593304947-74.0595692244141507_30_25118 Neptune Ct.redacted-o8$620,900$14,541
40.005960449576-74.0587516251071507_35_23109 Neptune Ct.redacted-o8$408,800$9,574
40.006015566885-74.0589246163731507_35_22111 Neptune Ct.redacted-o8$568,800$13,321
40.006044013073-74.0600902978371507_26.01_46483 Route 35 No.redacted-o8$422,100$9,885
40.006084220076-74.0590973121881507_35_21113 Neptune Ct.redacted-o8$487,600$11,419
40.006150251667-74.0592914864561507_35_20115 Neptune Ct.redacted-o8$350,000$15,363
40.00618833059-74.0588247320171507_35_15110 Kupper Dr.redacted-o8$523,600$12,269
40.006191569481-74.0600209931131507_26.01_45479 Route 35 No.redacted-o8$360,200$8,435
40.006200217319-74.0594824663871507_35_19117 Neptune Ctredacted-o8$455,800$11,145
40.006244689308-74.0590011235271507_35_16112 Kupper Dr.redacted-o8$501,000$11,733
40.006303041072-74.0591825941911507_35_17114 Kupper Dr.redacted-o8$474,300$11,108
40.006326678218-74.0599767036691507_26.01_43477 Route 35 No.redacted-o8$380,400$8,908
40.006372241646-74.059396039691507_35_18116 Kupper Dr.redacted-o8$474,600$11,115

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