// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 316 Greenwood Loop Rd. owned by redacted-o9 in Brick Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 316 Greenwood Loop Rd., Brick Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1507_1386_18_C0316

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 316 Greenwood Loop Rd., Brick Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 1386, Lot: 18, QCode: C0316
Assessment (2019): $105,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 55,316
Area: 20744 acres
Perimeter: 28.09 miles
Population 2020: 73620
Pop Density 2020: 2271/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Brick Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.105226527688-74.1138811707371507_1386_18_C0306306 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$154,900$3,671
40.105278703418-74.1138288883861507_1386_18_C0304304 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$152,600$3,616
40.105318893072-74.1137729739681507_1386_18_C0302302 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$150,300$3,562
40.105353931632-74.1137242237411507_1386_18_C0300300 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$158,600$3,758
40.105372455531-74.1140613031381507_1386_18_C0308308 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$154,900$3,671
40.105389572184-74.1136746330451507_1386_18_C0298298 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$150,100$3,557
40.105419574608-74.1140975079831507_1386_18_C0310310 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$152,600$3,616
40.105425064269-74.1136252515831507_1386_18_C0296296 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$158,600$3,758
40.10545476721-74.1141400031461507_1386_18_C0312312 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$150,300$3,562
40.105459835134-74.113576874981507_1386_18_C0294294 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$150,300$3,562
40.105490878681-74.1141836085091507_1386_18_C0314314 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$114,100$2,704
40.105493087367-74.1135306107591507_1386_18_C0292292 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$105,400$2,497
40.105528443207-74.1142289722671507_1386_18_C0316316 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$105,200$2,493
40.105566404334-74.1142748122661507_1386_18_C0318318 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$158,600$3,758
40.105604310992-74.1143205870421507_1386_18_C0320320 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$105,200$2,493
40.105641824929-74.1143658827621507_1386_18_C0322322 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$106,200$2,516
40.105685664609-74.1144188226891507_1386_18_C0324324 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$150,300$3,562
40.105723554244-74.1144898481651507_1386_18_C0326326 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$123,000$2,915
40.105905238432-74.1135384739361507_1386_18_C0276276 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$158,600$3,758
40.105942131788-74.1135836561611507_1386_18_C0274274 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$150,300$3,562
40.105978572944-74.1136282844911507_1386_18_C0272272 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$158,600$3,758
40.106016134447-74.1136742865951507_1386_18_C0270270 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$105,200$2,493
40.106051192975-74.1137172234561507_1386_18_C0268268 Greenwood Loop Rd.redacted-o8$150,300$3,562

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