// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 156 Skyline Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Brick Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 156 Skyline Dr, Brick Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1507_1383_7_C161

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 156 Skyline Dr, Brick Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 1383, Lot: 7, QCode: C161
Assessment (2019): $98,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 55,316
Area: 20744 acres
Perimeter: 28.09 miles
Population 2020: 73620
Pop Density 2020: 2271/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Brick Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.106507678721-74.0982068799111507_1383_7_C17557 Marina Laneredacted-o8$90,600$2,147
40.106514351769-74.0982933749041507_1383_7_C17455 Marina Laneredacted-o8$75,000$1,777
40.106514541147-74.09802839831507_1383_7_C17761 Marina Laneredacted-o8$79,900$1,893
40.106521180064-74.0983787277891507_1383_7_C17353 Marina Laneredacted-o8$92,700$2,196
40.106521264463-74.0981184356021507_1383_7_C17659 Marina Laneredacted-o8$92,900$2,201
40.106527752802-74.0984639458421507_1383_7_C17251 Marina Laneredacted-o8$90,800$2,151
40.106542201687-74.0986445519741507_1383_7_C18349 Marina Laneredacted-o8$95,700$2,268
40.106549256115-74.0987297055911507_1383_7_C18247 Marina Laneredacted-o8$90,900$2,154
40.106919399834-74.0986679612451507_1383_7_C155144 Skyline Drredacted-o8$103,900$2,462
40.106924686432-74.0980484004491507_1383_7_C161156 Skyline Drredacted-o8$98,300$2,329
40.106990504341-74.0986508492821507_1383_7_C154142 Skyline Drredacted-o8$95,700$2,268
40.106996313916-74.0980404351131507_1383_7_C160154 Skyline Drredacted-o8$98,300$2,329
40.107060543974-74.0986339922541507_1383_7_C153140 Skyline Drredacted-o8$96,600$2,289
40.107066607349-74.0980173822661507_1383_7_C159152 Skyline Drredacted-o8$92,700$1,946
40.107131648539-74.0986168798831507_1383_7_C152138 Skyline Drredacted-o8$96,300$2,282
40.107133860761-74.0980094878731507_1383_7_C158150 Skyline Drredacted-o8$90,600$2,147
40.107202928668-74.0980199347041507_1383_7_C157148 Skyline Drredacted-o8$98,800$2,341
40.107211178403-74.0986482478951507_1383_7_C151136 Skyline Drredacted-o8$96,300$2,282
40.107273335258-74.0980116720961507_1383_7_C156146 Skyline Drredacted-o8$99,400$2,355
40.107281487457-74.0986307526261507_1383_7_C150134 Skyline Drredacted-o8$96,400$2,284

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