// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 78 Bayview Ct owned by redacted-o9 in Brick Township, Ocean County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 78 Bayview Ct, Brick Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1507_1383_7_C107

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 78 Bayview Ct, Brick Township, New Jersey
County: Ocean
Block: 1383, Lot: 7, QCode: C107
Assessment (2019): $95,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 55,316
Area: 20744 acres
Perimeter: 28.09 miles
Population 2020: 73620
Pop Density 2020: 2271/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Brick Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.10827608993-74.1016684847661507_1383_7_C11798 Pompton Plains Drredacted-o8$78,000$1,598
40.108329040132-74.1016170077221507_1383_7_C11696 Pompton Plains Drredacted-o8$89,500$2,121
40.108331282672-74.101266138441507_1383_7_C119102 Bayview Ct.redacted-o8$98,300$2,079
40.108381974202-74.1015655587411507_1383_7_C11594 Pompton Plains Drredacted-o8$92,700$2,196
40.108403757403-74.1012548630591507_1383_7_C118100 Bayview Ctredacted-o8$103,400$2,450
40.108434764035-74.1015142463231507_1383_7_C11492 Pompton Plains Drredacted-o8$92,700$2,196
40.108539700366-74.1020981849911507_1383_7_C10429 Pompton Plains Drredacted-o8$73,600$1,744
40.108585048841-74.1020540924431507_1383_7_C10531 Pompton Plains Drredacted-o8$86,400$2,047
40.108612873732-74.1022258303641507_1383_7_C10327 Skyline Drredacted-o8$98,800$2,341
40.108658222976-74.1021817382981507_1383_7_C10225 Pompton Plains Drredacted-o8$99,200$2,351
40.108765918506-74.1009108937271507_1383_7_C11186 Bayview Ct.redacted-o8$90,800$2,151
40.10877314299-74.100998112691507_1383_7_C11084 Bayview Ct.redacted-o8$90,800$2,151
40.108804008546-74.1013986510951507_1383_7_C10982 Bayview Ctredacted-o8$96,700$2,291
40.108812044022-74.1014914933011507_1383_7_C10880 Bayview Ct.redacted-o8$96,200$2,279
40.108820130118-74.1015849168621507_1383_7_C10778 Bayview Ctredacted-o8$95,800$2,270
40.108828165561-74.1016777576381507_1383_7_C10676 Bayview Ct.redacted-o8$96,300$2,282
40.109013646994-74.1018934613811507_1383_7_C10174 Breeze Ct.redacted-o8$95,000$2,251
40.109031142926-74.1010518600271507_1383_7_C09562 Breeze Ct.redacted-o8$92,700$2,196
40.109041202009-74.1018047939421507_1383_7_C10072 Breeze Ct.redacted-o8$96,500$2,287
40.109041797663-74.1011386428791507_1383_7_C09664 Breeze Ct.redacted-o8$92,700$2,196
40.109052094315-74.1012234912341507_1383_7_C09766 Breeze Ct.redacted-o8$92,700$2,196
40.109062463596-74.1013089405531507_1383_7_C09868 Breeze Ct.redacted-o8$92,700$2,196
40.1090683734-74.1017173664071507_1383_7_C09970 Breeze Ct.redacted-o8$98,300$2,329

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