// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 515 Dinah Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Roxbury Township, Morris County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 515 Dinah Rd, Roxbury Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1436_11803_28

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 515 Dinah Rd, Roxbury Township, New Jersey
County: Morris
Block: 11803, Lot: 28
Assessment (2023): $223,700
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,169
Area: 14039.8 acres
Perimeter: 31.24 miles
Population 2020: 22950
Pop Density 2020: 1046/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Roxbury Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.910073918654-74.6474958196891436_11804_6508 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$289,600$7,836
40.910595590787-74.6474083899961436_11803_31507 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$236,400$6,396
40.911018022027-74.6474037295361436_11803_5506 Edith Rdredacted-o8$249,000$6,737
40.910040838075-74.6473201897441436_11804_7510 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$233,300$6,313
40.910562358524-74.6472324122421436_11803_30509 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$324,500$8,780
40.91098116604-74.6471964818981436_11803_6508 Edith Rdredacted-o8$197,200$5,336
40.910006028759-74.6471424613391436_11804_8514 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$216,100$5,847
40.910949269091-74.6470188724881436_11803_7510 Edith Rdredacted-o8$296,700$8,028
40.910519851457-74.6470131796971436_11803_29513 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$282,400$7,641
40.909965565311-74.6469195855591436_11804_9516 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$274,700$7,433
40.910916129429-74.6468390155091436_11803_8512 Edith Rdredacted-o8$207,300$5,609
40.910478197474-74.6467925859881436_11803_28515 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$223,700$5,803
40.910883727532-74.6466616577051436_11803_9514 Edith Rdredacted-o8$198,400$5,368
40.910446737517-74.6466161497591436_11803_27517 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$293,300$7,686
40.910850597076-74.6464878777451436_11803_10516 Edith Rdredacted-o8$223,500$6,047
40.910411497352-74.6464380102621436_11803_26519 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$204,400$5,531
40.910816631771-74.6463096069761436_11803_11518 Edith Rdredacted-o8$284,400$7,695
40.910378313534-74.6462598428611436_11803_25521 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$331,700$8,975
40.910781892198-74.6461301120411436_11803_12520 Edith Rdredacted-o8$281,700$7,622
40.910344824579-74.6460833800521436_11803_24523 Dinah Rdredacted-o8$269,200$7,284

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