// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 3402 Tudor Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Pequannock Township, Morris County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 3402 Tudor Dr, Pequannock Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1431_1101_9_C3402

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 3402 Tudor Dr, Pequannock Township, New Jersey
County: Morris
Block: 1101, Lot: 9, QCode: C3402
Assessment (2023): $402,000
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,490
Area: 4548.7 acres
Perimeter: 13.38 miles
Population 2020: 15571
Pop Density 2020: 2191/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Pequannock Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.969189820353-74.3189851120251431_1101_9_C33053305 Tudor Drredacted-o8$332,000$6,102
40.969196496154-74.3191936172751431_1101_9_C34013401 Tudor Drredacted-o8$420,400$7,726
40.969229263462-74.3192542433851431_1101_9_C34023402 Tudor Drredacted-o8$402,000$7,388
40.969243553298-74.318957397571431_1101_9_C33043304 Tudor Drredacted-o8$326,400$5,999
40.969259251259-74.3193525607481431_1101_9_C34033403 Tudor Drredacted-o8$387,700$7,125
40.969265295055-74.3194281988351431_1101_9_C34043404 Tudor Drredacted-o8$409,800$7,532
40.9692928661-74.3189329661391431_1101_9_C33033303 Tudor Drredacted-o8$335,800$6,172
40.969363459231-74.3189206158911431_1101_9_C33023302 Tudor Drredacted-o8$389,400$7,157
40.96937637329-74.3195794307171431_1101_9_C35013501 Tudor Drredacted-o8$326,400$5,749
40.969407622228-74.3188718117211431_1101_9_C33013301 Tudor Drredacted-o8$412,000$7,572
40.969427591533-74.3195518850251431_1101_9_C35023502 Tudor Drredacted-o8$341,600$6,278
40.969476849353-74.3195258615111431_1101_9_C35033503 Tudor Drredacted-o8$327,500$6,019
40.969536251599-74.3194762950411431_1101_9_C35043504 Tudor Drredacted-o8$385,800$7,091
40.969556665404-74.3188901935341431_1101_9_C32053205 Tudor Drredacted-o8$422,500$7,765
40.969592945808-74.3194689213221431_1101_9_C35053505 Tudor Drredacted-o8$402,000$7,388
40.969612375481-74.3188791261781431_1101_9_C32043204 Tudor Drredacted-o8$393,700$7,236
40.969658728994-74.3188000310511431_1101_9_C32033203 Tudor Drredacted-o8$333,000$5,870
40.969679027048-74.3192909693451431_1101_9_C36023602 Tudor Drredacted-o8$340,200$6,252
40.969701024069-74.3193716992111431_1101_9_C36013601 Tudor Drredacted-o8$336,900$6,192
40.969708882768-74.3187460210691431_1101_9_C32013201 Tudor Drredacted-o8$341,000$6,267
40.96972984827-74.3188296749911431_1101_9_C32023202 Tudor Drredacted-o8$345,100$6,342
40.969746081825-74.3193042694631431_1101_9_C36033603 Tudor Drredacted-o8$332,000$6,102

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