// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 34 Wiley Ct owned by redacted-o9 in Parsippany-Troy Hills Township, Morris County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 34 Wiley Ct, Parsippany-Troy Hills Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1429_14_204

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 34 Wiley Ct, Parsippany-Troy Hills Township, New Jersey
County: Morris
Block: 14, Lot: 204
Assessment (2023): $303,800
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,013
Area: 16224.5 acres
Perimeter: 31.44 miles
Population 2020: 56162
Pop Density 2020: 2215/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Parsippany-Troy Hills Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.85145787652-74.5026453450851429_14_19039 Pinfold Ctredacted-o8$352,100$11,999
40.851519137798-74.5026143328791429_14_19133 Pinfold Ctredacted-o8$328,400$11,191
40.851584014618-74.5025802622061429_14_19227 Pinfold Ctredacted-o8$301,700$10,281
40.851640258395-74.5025511896971429_14_19321 Pinfold Ctredacted-o8$330,400$11,260
40.851701543062-74.5025206475251429_14_19415 Pinfold Ctredacted-o8$353,000$12,030
40.851890023018-74.5025043772261429_14_19540 Summerhill Drredacted-o8$337,000$11,484
40.85187193907-74.502420957661429_14_19634 Summerhill Drredacted-o8$316,600$10,789
40.851855289708-74.5023445059361429_14_19728 Summerhill Drredacted-o8$301,300$10,268
40.851326050244-74.5023030539011429_14_20752 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$344,200$11,730
40.851388767359-74.5022739376791429_14_20646 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$324,800$11,069
40.851838655456-74.5022680496581429_14_19822 Summerhill Drredacted-o8$301,700$10,281
40.85144405827-74.502241932391429_14_20540 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$303,400$10,339
40.851499335543-74.5022099024191429_14_20434 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$303,800$10,353
40.851822002776-74.5021915983891429_14_19916 Summerhill Drredacted-o8$314,900$10,731
40.851554613195-74.5021778652851429_14_20328 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$324,800$11,069
40.851614833335-74.502138399721429_14_20222 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$344,200$11,730
40.851805365927-74.5021151423681429_14_20010 Summerhill Drredacted-o8$316,600$10,789
40.851787205015-74.5020317552861429_14_2014 Summerhill Drredacted-o8$353,000$12,030
40.85138222224-74.501684189971429_14_21335 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$326,200$11,116
40.851442625103-74.5016498360281429_14_21229 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$314,200$10,707
40.851497903436-74.5016178018391429_14_21123 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$291,300$9,927
40.851553180504-74.5015857739851429_14_21017 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$301,300$10,268
40.851608507328-74.501553878871429_14_20911 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$320,600$10,926
40.851667982176-74.5015183316051429_14_2085 Wiley Ctredacted-o8$337,000$11,484

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