// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 166 Sowers Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Mount Olive Township, Morris County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 166 Sowers Dr, Mount Olive Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1427_8430_160

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 166 Sowers Dr, Mount Olive Township, New Jersey
County: Morris
Block: 8430, Lot: 160
Assessment (2023): $317,100

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,811
Area: 19992 acres
Perimeter: 27.36 miles
Population 2020: 28886
Pop Density 2020: 925/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Mount Olive Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.853045064649-74.7973781283711427_8430_150273 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$297,100$9,765
40.853338809829-74.7973758729011427_8430_152269 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$303,300$9,969
40.853503201749-74.7973199877641427_8430_153267 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$325,400$10,695
40.853672569562-74.7972875953651427_8430_154265 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$329,300$10,824
40.853212972483-74.7972601766761427_8430_151271 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$303,600$9,979
40.853795533742-74.7971175919721427_8430_155263 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$303,300$9,969
40.85345648877-74.7970889635571427_8430_1580 Drivewayredacted-o8$200$6
40.85286917211-74.7970066105211427_8440_17278 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$324,600$10,669
40.853046250329-74.7969753929371427_8440_190 Drivewayredacted-o8$200$6
40.853389174513-74.7969298238691427_8430_159257 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$281,200$9,243
40.853557123677-74.7969096396491427_8430_157259 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$281,200$9,243
40.853742294287-74.796883439371427_8430_156261 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$303,300$9,969
40.852918522063-74.7968224077941427_8440_18276 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$290,500$9,548
40.853099611975-74.7967700647281427_8440_20274 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$291,000$9,565
40.853919262666-74.7967181197531427_8430_162_CU160160 Sowers Drredacted-o8$270,700$8,897
40.853411116415-74.7966632938121427_8430_160166 Sowers Drredacted-o8$317,100$10,423
40.853611751621-74.7966269806511427_8430_161164 Sowers Drredacted-o8$295,200$9,703
40.853868101528-74.796596074761427_8430_162_CU162162 Sowers Drredacted-o8$275,500$9,055
40.852996235762-74.7965191863591427_8440_21272 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$313,500$10,304
40.853304766473-74.7962179076991427_8420_40 Drivewayredacted-o8$200$6
40.853171958442-74.7961932623431427_8420_5139 Sowers Drredacted-o8$281,100$9,239
40.853766165595-74.7961838800361427_8420_39_CU129129 Sowers Drredacted-o8$275,500$9,055
40.853477104206-74.7961602275611427_8420_1133 Sowers Drredacted-o8$287,100$9,436
40.853728846787-74.7960565168321427_8420_39_CU127127 Sowers Drredacted-o8$284,700$9,358
40.852995117898-74.7960485144171427_8420_6251 Winding Hill Drredacted-o8$313,100$10,291
40.853360945586-74.7959954379421427_8420_2135 Sowers Drredacted-o8$286,600$9,420

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