// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 17 Woodsedge Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Mount Olive Township, Morris County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 17 Woodsedge Ave, Mount Olive Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1427_3700_76

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 17 Woodsedge Ave, Mount Olive Township, New Jersey
County: Morris
Block: 3700, Lot: 76
Assessment (2023): $174,600

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,811
Area: 19992 acres
Perimeter: 27.36 miles
Population 2020: 28886
Pop Density 2020: 925/sq-mi

17 neighbors in Mount Olive Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.866228575624-74.7397494164871427_3404_1322 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$164,700$5,413
40.866236364177-74.7391812723041427_3702_123 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$204,300$6,715
40.866322678709-74.7387938452771427_3702_318 Foothill Averedacted-o8$291,600$9,584
40.866426143651-74.7398264261671427_3405_620 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$185,300$6,090
40.866536202156-74.7393865835731427_3700_7719 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$154,800$5,088
40.866537702701-74.7398705040391427_3405_718 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$206,000$6,771
40.866570292614-74.7392233993721427_3700_7813 Foothill Averedacted-o8$140,400$4,614
40.866600289497-74.7390802704211427_3700_7915 Foothill Averedacted-o8$115,600$3,799
40.866626473058-74.7399254903091427_3405_816 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$204,200$6,712
40.866685284395-74.7393012642011427_3700_7617 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$174,600$5,739
40.866705734707-74.7388442358251427_3700_8017 Foothill Averedacted-o8$163,500$5,374
40.866718642838-74.7399626936961427_3405_914 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$203,800$6,698
40.866834651712-74.7400140248571427_3405_1012 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$164,300$5,400
40.8669463643-74.7394524546081427_3700_8413 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$216,800$7,126
40.867062265557-74.7390864563771427_3700_831 Kingden Stredacted-o8$11,400
40.867124221342-74.7395314403341427_3700_8511 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$148,600$4,884
40.867222148081-74.7395740023061427_3700_869 Woodsedge Averedacted-o8$208,800$6,863

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