// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 8 Lakeland Ct owned by redacted-o9 in Mountain Lakes Borough, Morris County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 8 Lakeland Ct, Mountain Lakes Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1425_116_46

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 8 Lakeland Ct, Mountain Lakes Borough, New Jersey
County: Morris
Block: 116, Lot: 46
Assessment (2023): $710,600
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 1,785
Area: 1860.69 acres
Perimeter: 7.63 miles
Population 2020: 4472
Pop Density 2020: 1538/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Mountain Lakes Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.878921067266-74.4424380094771425_116_101 Albie Drredacted-o8$854,700$21,606
40.878961962717-74.4425418267161425_116_113 Albie Drredacted-o8$817,000$20,653
40.879119049026-74.4411197969211425_117_16032 Sherwood Drredacted-o8$642,100$16,232
40.879224719071-74.4419719486881425_116_492 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$725,100$18,944
40.879295053249-74.4419286608611425_116_484 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$691,200$17,473
40.879331784149-74.4424420978881425_116_311 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$705,000$17,572
40.879362700743-74.4418798078961425_116_476 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$698,500$17,658
40.879407033374-74.4424138818261425_116_323 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$662,100$16,737
40.879432963019-74.4418387643561425_116_468 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$710,600$17,963
40.879477698523-74.4423740573621425_116_335 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$662,100$16,737
40.87950584033-74.4418055302331425_116_4510 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$718,000$18,151
40.879542095098-74.4423234045081425_116_347 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$705,000$17,822
40.879577800948-74.4417771954321425_116_4412 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$725,100$18,330
40.87961411028-74.4412033537341425_117.01_52049 Sherwood Drredacted-o8$635,900$16,075
40.879715302568-74.4422560432651425_116_359 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$699,500$17,683
40.879765989891-74.4417686726311425_116_4216 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$141,900$3,587
40.879765989891-74.4417686726311425_116_4314 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$76,400$1,931
40.879791945939-74.4422723230431425_116_3611 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$622,900$15,746
40.879820728012-74.441160980281425_117.01_51047 Sherwood Drredacted-o8$675,400$17,074
40.879841152253-74.4417901102261425_116_4020 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$101,500$2,565
40.879841152253-74.4417901102261425_116_4118 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$98,300$2,485
40.87986401749-74.4422935183861425_116_3713 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$622,900$15,746
40.87991494902-74.4418118652811425_116_3824 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$145,200$3,670
40.87991494902-74.4418118652811425_116_3922 Lakeland Ctredacted-o8$190,300$4,810

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