// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Overlook Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Morristown, Morris County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Overlook Rd, Morristown, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1424_8803_13

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Overlook Rd, Morristown, New Jersey
County: Morris
Block: 8803, Lot: 13
Assessment (2023): $0.00
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,654
Area: 1923.58 acres
Perimeter: 9.06 miles
Population 2020: 20180
Pop Density 2020: 6714/sq-mi

23 neighbors on block 8803 in Morristown

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.788276967971-74.4827287106841424_8803_11 Vanderpool Drredacted-o8$647,600$18,819
40.787939213121-74.4822442327311424_8803_255 Ogden Plredacted-o8$590,600$17,162
40.787639506394-74.4824341054651424_8803_2.013 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$840,000$24,410
40.787349240488-74.482641083161424_8803_311 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$425,300$12,359
40.787104176149-74.482916016471424_8803_419 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$430,100$12,498
40.786848237794-74.4832139937411424_8803_525 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$426,000$12,379
40.786597220914-74.4835620789381424_8803_629 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$408,600$11,873
40.786344659648-74.4839145017491424_8803_737 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$387,000$11,246
40.786058707239-74.4842047902051424_8803_843 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$406,500$11,812
40.78577773678-74.4844682281881424_8803_949 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$431,200$12,280
40.785500177281-74.4847274396851424_8803_1055 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$687,600$19,981
40.785244387737-74.4849656760921424_8803_10.0157 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$1,345,200$39,091
40.786455681953-74.4857079702931424_8803_1159 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$850,000$24,701
40.785024483305-74.4851652773231424_8803_1261 Overlook Rdredacted-o8$740,000$21,504
1424_8803_13Overlook Rdredacted-o8
40.78731773097-74.4854447868651424_8803_1417 Vanderpool Drredacted-o8$554,400$16,110
40.787145175892-74.4850379888021424_8803_1515 Vanderpool Drredacted-o8$643,400$18,697
40.786939969245-74.4846749661451424_8803_1613 Vanderpool Drredacted-o8$488,500$14,195
40.786775960125-74.4842098401851424_8803_1711 Vanderpool Drredacted-o8$526,000$15,285
40.787069510818-74.4837209275931424_8803_189 Vanderpool Drredacted-o8$557,700$16,206
40.787381728852-74.4834959200761424_8803_197 Vanderpool Drredacted-o8$515,300$14,974
40.787647585226-74.4832470229461424_8803_205 Vanderpool Drredacted-o8$661,600
40.787966170662-74.483021180231424_8803_213 Vanderpool Drredacted-o8$680,900$19,786

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