// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 76 Constitution Way owned by redacted-o9 in Morris Township, Morris County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 76 Constitution Way, Morris Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1422_8701_59

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 76 Constitution Way, Morris Township, New Jersey
County: Morris
Block: 8701, Lot: 59
Assessment (2023): $468,700
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,754
Area: 10118.4 acres
Perimeter: 26.73 miles
Population 2020: 22974
Pop Density 2020: 1453/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Morris Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.779081924074-74.4432985430441422_8411_3Along The Railroadredacted-o8$1,000
40.779505816156-74.4435112154941422_8701_6368 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$510,500$10,235
40.779506617306-74.4433826472991422_8701_6270 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$476,800$9,559
40.779521393249-74.4429957403991422_8701_5878 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$465,900$9,341
40.779523934886-74.4432954287641422_8701_6172 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$475,400$9,531
40.779535145087-74.4432088055661422_8701_6074 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$468,100$9,385
40.77954684107-74.4431239388581422_8701_5976 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$468,700$9,397
40.779611029905-74.4428651067621422_8701_5780 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$452,600$9,074
40.779701276391-74.4428066981581422_8701_5682 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$430,000$8,621
40.779746059528-74.4427510825691422_8701_5584 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$457,900$9,180
40.779796185796-74.4426872921361422_8701_5486 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$454,600$8,864
40.779840451758-74.4426296207941422_8701_5388 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$436,300$8,747
40.779881184933-74.4425836508791422_8701_5290 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$451,100$9,044
40.779919304253-74.4432890518421422_8705_671 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$479,100$9,605
40.77992104863-74.4425342074521422_8701_5192 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$433,700$8,695
40.779959281027-74.4434675256031422_8705_569 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$448,100$8,984
40.779973333342-74.4437390372271422_8705_263 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$473,200$9,487
40.779975969527-74.443553485691422_8705_467 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$460,900$9,241
40.779981910675-74.4436433103721422_8705_365 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$470,400$9,431
40.779985408185-74.4424245406051422_8701_5094 Constitution Wayredacted-o8$489,500$9,814
40.780048936979-74.4430252280281422_8705_780 Independence Wayredacted-o8$489,000$9,804

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