// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 43 Hancock Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Morris Township, Morris County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 43 Hancock Dr, Morris Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1422_1501_1_C3801

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 43 Hancock Dr, Morris Township, New Jersey
County: Morris
Block: 1501, Lot: 1, QCode: C3801
Assessment (2023): $379,600
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,754
Area: 10118.4 acres
Perimeter: 26.73 miles
Population 2020: 22974
Pop Density 2020: 1453/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Morris Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.81553213913-74.5154666628021422_1501_1_C371071 Hancock Drredacted-o8$371,900$7,456
40.815545379494-74.5150361272751422_1501_1_C140581 Hancock Drredacted-o8$363,500$7,288
40.815554135828-74.5156522988781422_1501_1_C370663 Hancock Drredacted-o8$404,700$8,114
40.815564019756-74.5155295016021422_1501_1_C370867 Hancock Drredacted-o8$357,800$7,173
40.815601352123-74.5157189425571422_1501_1_C370561 Hancock Drredacted-o8$399,800$8,015
40.815604825329-74.5155965219071422_1501_1_C370765 Hancock Drredacted-o8$357,100$7,159
40.815647395944-74.5156574276711422_1501_1_C370459 Hancock Drredacted-o8$348,300$6,983
40.815671484304-74.5158241197521422_1501_1_C370255 Hancock Drredacted-o8$359,600$7,209
40.815696092065-74.5157194391131422_1501_1_C370357 Hancock Drredacted-o8$366,400$7,346
40.815739211551-74.5157674729531422_1501_1_C370153 Hancock Drredacted-o8$371,000$7,438
40.815939565813-74.5156120142471422_1501_1_C380449 Hancock Drredacted-o8$366,800$7,354
40.815939996064-74.5157006668281422_1501_1_C380551 Hancock Drredacted-o8$369,800$7,414
40.816008550154-74.515610872061422_1501_1_C380347 Hancock Drredacted-o8$400,300$8,026
40.816046376989-74.5157075740011422_1501_1_C380245 Hancock Drredacted-o8$361,900$7,256
40.81606554891-74.5156050068891422_1501_1_C380143 Hancock Drredacted-o8$379,600$7,610
40.816216764797-74.5157929369951422_1501_1_C390541 Hancock Drredacted-o8$374,600$7,510
40.816268502739-74.5157364508151422_1501_1_C390439 Hancock Drredacted-o8$358,800$7,193
40.816278596709-74.5159058381151422_1501_1_C390235 Hancock Drredacted-o8$370,200$7,422
40.816313144924-74.5158056237181422_1501_1_C390337 Hancock Drredacted-o8$382,900$7,427
40.816352057456-74.5158601495851422_1501_1_C390133 Hancock Drredacted-o8$374,600$7,510
40.816570686176-74.5156098410691422_1501_1489 Sussex Averedacted-o8

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