// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 7 Gerhard Pl owned by redacted-o9 in Morris Township, Morris County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 7 Gerhard Pl, Morris Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1422_10401_3_C0404

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 7 Gerhard Pl, Morris Township, New Jersey
County: Morris
Block: 10401, Lot: 3, QCode: C0404
Assessment (2023): $62,800
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,754
Area: 10118.4 acres
Perimeter: 26.73 miles
Population 2020: 22974
Pop Density 2020: 1453/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Morris Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.813020154637-74.4747424632621422_10401_3_C150351 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813070172194-74.4748297180571422_10401_3_C150453 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813109067331-74.4749077161771422_10401_3_C150555 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813185782432-74.4750748976041422_10401_3_C160157 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813214990206-74.4743050391121422_10401_3_C050623 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813231231359-74.4751661025431422_10401_3_C160259 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813251176861-74.4743776559441422_10401_3_C050521 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813270108874-74.475244067131422_10401_3_C160361 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813282661712-74.4744540142531422_10401_3_C050419 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813318848178-74.4745266318941422_10401_3_C050317 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813320126404-74.4753313222691422_10401_3_C160463 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813359021059-74.475409321321422_10401_3_C160565 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813359514447-74.4745950641331422_10401_3_C050215 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813395700912-74.4746676820171422_10401_3_C050113 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813470972659-74.4748187359541422_10401_3_C040611 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813507159016-74.4748913537891422_10401_3_C04059 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813538643953-74.4749677123731422_10401_3_C04047 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813574829592-74.4750403305961422_10401_3_C04035 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813599449151-74.4742833069581422_10401_3_C020112 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813615495755-74.4751087633491422_10401_3_C04023 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813651681648-74.4751813816871422_10401_3_C04011 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813691065463-74.474432071311422_10401_3_C010510 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813725731697-74.4745014914011422_10401_3_C01048 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813760250451-74.4745709097991422_10401_3_C01036 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813790285658-74.4746443583541422_10401_3_C01024 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800
40.813824626907-74.4747154243961422_10401_3_C01012 Gerhard Plredacted-o8$62,800

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