// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 432 Deuce Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Wall Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 432 Deuce Dr, Wall Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1352_800_21_C0432

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 432 Deuce Dr, Wall Township, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 800, Lot: 21, QCode: C0432
Assessment (2024): $358,500
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,802
Area: 20288 acres
Perimeter: 35.15 miles
Population 2020: 26525
Pop Density 2020: 837/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Wall Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.166466638529-74.0757480985661352_800_21_C0378378 Deuce Drredacted-o8$329,600$6,816
40.166471783745-74.0756868972841352_800_21_C0377377 Deuce Drredacted-o8$294,800$6,096
40.166480404712-74.0756222263641352_800_21_C0373373 Deuce Drredacted-o8$279,600$5,782
40.166487289625-74.0744851938161352_800_21_C0458458 Deuce Drredacted-o8$345,800$7,151
40.166492381705-74.0755629828471352_800_21_C0374374 Deuce Drredacted-o8$334,900$6,675
40.16653342828-74.0744893741681352_800_21_C0457457 Deuce Drredacted-o8$290,400$6,005
40.166582954655-74.0745012775971352_800_21_C0453453 Deuce Drredacted-o8$294,800$6,096
40.166628097201-74.0745169122991352_800_21_C0454454 Deuce Drredacted-o8$350,600$7,250
40.166817577562-74.0752614314421352_800_21_C0434434 Deuce Drredacted-o8$354,100$7,322
40.16682443989-74.0750390527031352_800_21_C0436436 Deuce Drredacted-o8$336,200$6,952
40.166865248702-74.0752450082371352_800_21_C0433433 Deuce Drredacted-o8$272,200$5,629
40.166871755022-74.0750605001061352_800_21_C0435435 Deuce Drredacted-o8$272,200$5,629
40.166915571953-74.0752480319821352_800_21_C0429429 Deuce Drredacted-o8$274,800$5,682
40.166922077388-74.0750635266071352_800_21_C0431431 Deuce Drredacted-o8$294,800$6,096
40.166936856144-74.0745877973391352_800_21_C0426426 Deuce Drredacted-o8$329,600$6,816
40.166961978092-74.0752719681741352_800_21_C0430430 Deuce Drredacted-o8$333,800$6,902
40.166968725982-74.0750460820561352_800_21_C0432432 Deuce Drredacted-o8$358,500$7,413
40.16696947211-74.0743625535471352_800_21_C0428428 Deuce Drredacted-o8$329,600$6,816
40.166987202848-74.0745790881851352_800_21_C0425425 Deuce Drredacted-o8$284,500$5,629
40.1670157847-74.0743814267511352_800_21_C0427427 Deuce Drredacted-o8$272,200$5,629
40.167036706466-74.0745912082091352_800_21_C0421421 Deuce Drredacted-o8$279,600$5,782
40.167065292687-74.0743935418191352_800_21_C0423423 Deuce Drredacted-o8$272,200$5,379
40.167079918148-74.0746251823441352_800_21_C0422422 Deuce Drredacted-o8$335,600$6,940
40.167111945158-74.0743968943551352_800_21_C0424424 Deuce Drredacted-o8$341,300$6,816

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