// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 923 Seventh Street owned by redacted-o9 in Union Beach Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 923 Seventh Street, Union Beach Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1350_39_3

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 923 Seventh Street, Union Beach Borough, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 39, Lot: 3
Assessment (2024): $251,300
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 11'
Preliminary BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 12'
Effective Flood Zone: AE
Preliminary Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,513
Area: 1203.09 acres
Perimeter: 8.00 miles
Population 2020: 5723
Pop Density 2020: 3044/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Union Beach Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.446552398297-74.1734184536781350_40_5934 Seventh Streetredacted-o8$528,200$11,202
40.44662581086-74.1738659120331350_40_10915 Eighth Streetredacted-o8$409,500$7,804
40.446742299684-74.1735137527021350_40_4922 Seventh Streetredacted-o8$310,900$5,859
40.446872096225-74.1729909390131350_39_1927 Seventh Streetredacted-o8$478,500$9,471
40.446915182386-74.1737320334761350_40_3918 Seventh Streetredacted-o8$430,700$8,545
40.446933015895-74.1725491003691350_39_23936 Sixth Streetredacted-o8$511,900$10,111
40.44699159538-74.1731520910131350_39_2925 Seventh Streetredacted-o8$305,900$6,004
40.447039394936-74.1732165518821350_39_3923 Seventh Streetredacted-o8$251,300$4,919
40.447091974614-74.1732874601191350_39_4921 Seventh Streetredacted-o8$356,400$7,618
40.447092980102-74.1727729076351350_39_21928 Sixth Streetredacted-o8$468,500$9,118
40.447163671848-74.1733841517541350_39_6919 Seventh Streetredacted-o8$254,100$4,941
40.447188579719-74.1729018296061350_39_20922 Sixth Streetredacted-o8$384,200$7,680
40.44723637895-74.1729662913421350_39_20.01924 Sixth Streetredacted-o8$139,300$2,593
40.447278388716-74.1735388562321350_39_7907 Seventh Streetredacted-o8$482,600$9,632
40.447284179045-74.1730307531651350_39_19920 Sixth Streetredacted-o8$345,200$6,743
40.447355877513-74.1731274434281350_39_17916 Sixth Streetredacted-o8$366,800$7,220
40.447451473416-74.1732563664091350_39_16912 Sixth Streetredacted-o8$295,900$5,760
40.447452693611-74.1737521014081350_39_9905 Seventh Streetredacted-o8$419,700$8,217
40.447523172221-74.1733530589211350_39_15910 Sixth Streetredacted-o8$484,000$9,751
40.447526271087-74.1726552810831350_38_18925 Sixth Streetredacted-o8$454,700$9,005
40.447568902216-74.1739123398291350_39_12901 Seventh Streetredacted-o8$261,800$5,157

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