// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 609 Ocean Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Spring Lake Heights Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 609 Ocean Rd, Spring Lake Heights Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1348_20_13

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 609 Ocean Rd, Spring Lake Heights Borough, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 20, Lot: 13
Assessment (2024): $1,127,200
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,431
Area: 837.148 acres
Perimeter: 5.23 miles
Population 2020: 4890
Pop Density 2020: 3738/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Spring Lake Heights Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.143042188678-74.0402072227131348_20_22.02608 Central Averedacted-o8$639,300$6,714
40.143052040625-74.0403134145911348_20_22.01610 Central Averedacted-o8$642,500$6,749
40.143067935983-74.0404730455861348_20_21612 Central Averedacted-o8$887,300$9,464
40.143089130218-74.0406858891621348_20_20614 Central Averedacted-o8$990,000$10,391
40.143105027559-74.040845521951348_20_19.01616 Central Averedacted-o8$607,200$6,362
40.143115623747-74.0409519424471348_20_19618 Central Averedacted-o8$652,700$6,828
40.143131327611-74.0400909838591348_20_23.05605a Ocean Roadredacted-o8$393,100$4,023
40.143131520132-74.0411115741141348_20_18620 Central Averedacted-o8$1,055,900$10,964
40.143207220037-74.0400766602141348_20_23.04605b Ocean Rdredacted-o8$409,000$4,216
40.143243821586-74.0400022431771348_20_23Central Averedacted-o8
40.143280229219-74.0400603799631348_20_23.03605c Ocean Roadredacted-o8$377,200$3,894
40.14344829773-74.0401923069941348_20_15605 Ocean Rdredacted-o8$1,097,800$11,617
40.143469494152-74.040405150321348_20_14607 Ocean Rdredacted-o8$949,400$9,884
40.143490688943-74.0406179942111348_20_13609 Ocean Rdredacted-o8$1,127,200$11,939
40.143511884176-74.0408308391891348_20_12611 Ocean Rdredacted-o8$1,036,400$11,343
40.143529562613-74.0400343813911348_20_23.02603b Ocean Rdredacted-o8$425,400$4,333
40.143533078558-74.0410436833871348_20_11613 Ocean Rdredacted-o8$1,135,700$11,822
40.143601291205-74.0413117016681348_20_10615 Ocean Rdredacted-o8$897,000$9,288
40.143978385086-74.040104740051348_35_6604 Ocean Rdredacted-o8$905,100$9,513
40.143998949055-74.0403176908551348_35_5606 Ocean Rdredacted-o8$1,019,200$10,763
40.144019514747-74.0405306414691348_35_4608 Ocean Rdredacted-o8$1,147,300$12,163
40.144025010906-74.0411606808711348_35_1614 Ocean Rdredacted-o8$854,600$9,031

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