// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 409 Eighteenth Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in Lake Como Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 409 Eighteenth Avenue, Lake Como Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1346_8_12

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 409 Eighteenth Avenue, Lake Como Borough, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 8, Lot: 12
Assessment (2024): $557,000
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 1,003
Area: 161.345 acres
Perimeter: 2.15 miles
Population 2020: 1697
Pop Density 2020: 6731/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Lake Como Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.171227859437-74.0230033068141346_8_8415 Wildwood Placeredacted-o8$751,300$8,237
40.171232135272-74.0222625960771346_8_3405 Wildwood Placeredacted-o8$719,000$8,282
40.171257666067-74.0228661332571346_8_7413 Wildwood Placeredacted-o8$567,900$5,595
40.171280111467-74.0227628379021346_8_6411 Wildwood Placeredacted-o8$547,700$5,451
40.171302554596-74.0226595429581346_8_5409 Wildwood Placeredacted-o8$751,500$8,366
40.171354591987-74.0225099393031346_8_4407 Wildwood Placeredacted-o8$659,500$7,322
40.17136453979-74.0222154256031346_8_21803 Bradley Terraceredacted-o8$739,400$8,112
40.171512686655-74.0230055961121346_8_9415-417 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$912,700$9,617
40.171556237377-74.0220967104041346_8_1403 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$916,600$9,820
40.171565055742-74.0227645789451346_8_10413 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$565,000$6,127
40.171587263529-74.0222888820381346_8_14405 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$704,700$7,622
40.171591238939-74.0226440682761346_8_11411 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$672,000$7,718
40.171635698441-74.0225275705041346_8_12409 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$557,000$5,597
40.171637867428-74.0224049489291346_8_13407 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$633,900$7,253
40.171835736453-74.0229951923331346_6_16414 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$590,800$6,159
40.171849044657-74.0219271407991346_2_16New Bedford Road & 18thredacted-o8$13,700
40.17191560609-74.0230039674111346_6_171732 Newman Streetredacted-o8$371,300$3,590
40.171974437809-74.0230139655771346_6_181730 Newman Streetredacted-o8$371,300$3,590
40.171979344894-74.0228287628111346_6_15412 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$957,000$9,958
40.172016234998-74.0226916161131346_6_14410 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$684,500$7,161
40.172033270845-74.0230239611346_6_191728 Newman Streetredacted-o8$371,300$3,590
40.17204529808-74.0226024652941346_6_13408 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$723,400$7,612
40.172061319467-74.0224661128971346_6_12406 Eighteenth Avenueredacted-o8$987,200$10,168
40.17209210159-74.0230339557651346_6_201726 Newman Streetredacted-o8$371,300$3,372
40.172150932292-74.0230439500071346_6_211724 Newman Streetredacted-o8$371,300$3,590

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