// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 721 Twentieth Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in Lake Como Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 721 Twentieth Avenue, Lake Como Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1346_33_26

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 721 Twentieth Avenue, Lake Como Borough, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 33, Lot: 26
Assessment (2024): $1,058,700
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 1,003
Area: 161.345 acres
Perimeter: 2.15 miles
Population 2020: 1697
Pop Density 2020: 6731/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Lake Como Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.168065720101-74.0290916837481346_33_11718 Twentyfirst Avenueredacted-o8$900,800$9,885
40.168098234267-74.0289508500861346_33_10716 Twentyfirst Avenueredacted-o8$641,700$6,972
40.168132868481-74.0287971739631346_33_9712 Twentyfirst Avenueredacted-o8$830,400$9,083
40.168174124013-74.0286123711111346_33_8708 Twentyfirst Avenueredacted-o8$707,600$7,708
40.168208400528-74.028466095851346_33_7704 Twentyfirst Avenueredacted-o8$551,900$6,025
40.168258951217-74.0282923124661346_33_6700 Twentyfirst Avenueredacted-o8$712,100$7,895
40.16832830499-74.0295106690891346_33_21737 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$604,600$6,320
40.168357579396-74.0293820189681346_33_22735 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$635,400$6,853
40.168390760746-74.0292362153011346_33_23733 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$589,300$6,270
40.168424917587-74.0290861221121346_33_24725 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$528,900$5,540
40.168454194169-74.0289574734271346_33_25723 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$574,300$6,082
40.168488351348-74.0288073799451346_33_26721 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$1,058,700$11,638
40.168527384873-74.0286358441051346_33_27717 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$657,900$7,152
40.16856641944-74.0284643102291346_33_28713 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$624,400$6,777
40.16862763811-74.0282817965261346_33_29711 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$648,200$7,093
40.168817183792-74.0295218170311346_32_12732 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$632,600$6,619
40.16884178359-74.0294112323231346_32_11730 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$673,000$7,325
40.168869908614-74.0292913626951346_32_10728 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$566,900$6,204
40.168905322942-74.0291419086991346_32_9724 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$649,200$7,054
40.168944793368-74.0289705428781346_32_8720 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$653,700$7,105
40.168979332303-74.0288205980831346_32_7718 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$719,300$7,226
40.169018804996-74.0286492336451346_32_6714 Twentieth Avenueredacted-o8$781,600$8,820

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