// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 65 Mckinley Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Ocean Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 65 Mckinley Dr, Ocean Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1337_34_1_C65

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 65 Mckinley Dr, Ocean Township, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 34, Lot: 1, QCode: C65
Assessment (2024): $408,900
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,968
Area: 7030.44 acres
Perimeter: 15.60 miles
Population 2020: 27672
Pop Density 2020: 2519/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Ocean Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.252540103837-74.0440002646781337_34_1_C4747 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$467,200$5,845
40.252583044005-74.0439114957481337_34_1_C4949 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$382,400$5,695
40.252583583009-74.0429230825851337_34_1_C7070 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$423,000$6,232
40.252637798813-74.0439777366431337_34_1_C5151 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$448,000$6,605
40.252648659915-74.0428680821751337_34_1_C7272 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$448,800$5,588
40.252649056396-74.0430095835451337_34_1_C6868 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$382,400$5,695
40.252676746141-74.0427757107021337_34_1_C7474 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$434,500$5,394
40.252680241942-74.0437086698671337_34_1_C5353 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$382,400$5,695
40.252718551237-74.0426698515181337_34_1_C7676 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$435,000$5,401
40.252758650407-74.0425815015291337_34_1_C7878 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$501,000$6,368
40.252768381712-74.0437485843131337_34_1_C5555 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$446,100$6,576
40.252779590645-74.0436519203971337_34_1_C5757 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$449,900$5,588
40.25283065053-74.0435729683331337_34_1_C5959 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$434,500$5,394
40.252883314397-74.0434772164951337_34_1_C6161 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$460,800$5,785
40.252927744815-74.0433911937451337_34_1_C6363 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$467,200$5,845
40.252938117604-74.043282996731337_34_1_C6565 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$408,900$6,088
40.253010009104-74.0433191286521337_34_1_C6767 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$423,000$6,232
40.253010703299-74.0430697388951337_34_1_C6969 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$382,400$5,445
40.253100882088-74.0429900760331337_34_1_C7373 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$467,200$5,595
40.253101826124-74.0430897876061337_34_1_C7171 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$452,300$6,667
40.253141384039-74.0429022418731337_34_1_C7575 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$434,500$5,394
40.253180682194-74.0427998534781337_34_1_C7777 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$467,300$5,882
40.253211870126-74.0425969020721337_34_1_C8181 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$362,500$5,542
40.253215900214-74.0427076303651337_34_1_C7979 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$449,900$5,588
40.253283549292-74.0426120548691337_34_1_C8383 Mckinley Drredacted-o8$423,000$6,232

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