// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. N Monmouth Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Millstone Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, N Monmouth Rd, Millstone Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1333_63_16_QFARM

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: N Monmouth Rd, Millstone Township, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 63, Lot: 16, QCode: QFARM
Assessment (2024): $1,300
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,289
Area: 23800.2 acres
Perimeter: 36.56 miles
Population 2020: 10376
Pop Density 2020: 279/sq-mi

29 neighbors on block 63 in Millstone Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.202378216912-74.372091999151333_63_167 Stage Coach Rdredacted-o8$161,900$4,023
40.202260325832-74.3711243801621333_63_261 Stage Coach Rdredacted-o8$292,700$7,273
40.202720987837-74.3705391571341333_63_359 Stage Coach Rdredacted-o8$225,700$5,608
40.202802376715-74.3696676662321333_63_455 Stage Coach Rdredacted-o8$644,100$15,287
40.2029167196-74.3685129568111333_63_545 Stage Coach Rdredacted-o8$433,500$10,522
40.2031351441-74.3673832822821333_63_641-43 Stage Coach Rdredacted-o8$313,900$7,800
40.202940012818-74.3662625388251333_63_737 Stage Coach Rdredacted-o8$359,800$8,941
40.20358707163-74.3648645402821333_63_831 Stage Coach Rdredacted-o8$371,000$9,219
40.203941721602-74.3632869698221333_63_8.0121 Stage Coach Rdredacted-o8$499,200$12,405
40.203680160155-74.3625967295511333_63_8.02304 Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$553,600$13,756
40.202788772811-74.364462896081333_63_8.03306 Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$737,400$18,324
1333_63_9.01298 Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$130,300
1333_63_10.01296 Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$3,100
40.202303866899-74.3645186155041333_63_11308 Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$268,900$6,432
40.201864519693-74.3658124055561333_63_12312 Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$408,500$10,151
40.201985759775-74.3649893666621333_63_12.01310 Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$186,600$4,637
40.201901808302-74.3671875855151333_63_13N Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$21,000$521
40.201181673549-74.366475315741333_63_14314 Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$383,400$9,527
40.199875593237-74.3689563100331333_63_15318 Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$331,000$8,225
40.198704606664-74.370963102991333_63_15.01326 Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$794,900$19,753
1333_63_16_QFARMN Monmouth Rdredacted-o8$1,300$32
40.202081379442-74.3699392473141333_63_16.01S Stage Coach Rdredacted-o8$4,700$116
40.200121964329-74.3717530443711333_63_17516 Ely Harmony Rdredacted-o8$375,500$9,331
40.200121929446-74.371650514721333_63_17_QFARM516 Ely Harmony Rdredacted-o8$5,900$146
40.200821117586-74.3729413415271333_63_17.01528 Ely Harmony Rdredacted-o8$247,700$5,905
40.201442925901-74.3725187691811333_63_17.02532 Ely Harmony Rdredacted-o8$467,000$11,604
40.200303169867-74.3726526095271333_63_18526 Ely Harmony Rdredacted-o8$242,900$6,036
40.198640921925-74.3718591403231333_63_19512 Ely Harmony Rdredacted-o8$279,400$6,943
40.197739353427-74.3713825894431333_63_20504 Ely Harmony Rdredacted-o8$307,000$7,628

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