// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 33 Claremont Ct owned by redacted-o9 in Middletown Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 33 Claremont Ct, Middletown Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1332_1011_193

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 33 Claremont Ct, Middletown Township, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 1011, Lot: 193
Assessment (2024): $429,100
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 25,677
Area: 27864.5 acres
Perimeter: 53.79 miles
Population 2020: 67106
Pop Density 2020: 1541/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Middletown Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.350962943202-74.0988472774291332_1011_19513 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$320,100$5,130
40.351005598189-74.0985480138261332_1011_20611 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$359,500$5,598
40.351005705412-74.0989199229861332_1011_19819 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$262,800$4,320
40.351027593361-74.0984587774681332_1011_2047 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$344,200$5,580
40.351034379351-74.0988561309821332_1011_19717 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$265,400$4,364
40.351059992379-74.0983528411731332_1011_2023 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$403,800$6,514
40.351061613747-74.0985387109561332_1011_2059 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$353,800$5,022
40.351083551102-74.0984495156781332_1011_2035 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$292,700$4,581
40.351084077791-74.0982548525881332_1011_2011 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$409,000$6,557
40.351096603047-74.0988725011671332_1011_19921 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$479,200$8,036
40.351174919094-74.0988824284741332_1011_20023 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$446,200$7,589
40.351323741248-74.0987421299941332_1011_19027 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$351,600$5,714
40.351354582271-74.0986803507281332_1011_18925 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$307,200$4,842
40.351394819608-74.0987552384311332_1011_19231 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$382,500$6,408
40.351425663398-74.0986934710021332_1011_19129 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$295,000$4,626
40.351487400428-74.0987129687431332_1011_19333 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$429,100$6,953
40.351565296906-74.0982106288781332_1011_589Claremont Ctredacted-o8
40.351565347439-74.0987273659211332_1011_19435 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$403,700
40.351804680297-74.0987845814471332_1011_18537 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$419,000$6,668
40.351876044734-74.0987946532481332_1011_18639 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$418,100$6,760
40.351952872772-74.0987799699771332_1011_18741 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$457,500$7,233
40.352031102991-74.0987910134631332_1011_18843 Claremont Ctredacted-o8$464,300$7,923

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