// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 251 Colby Place owned by redacted-o9 in Marlboro Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 251 Colby Place, Marlboro Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1330_178_2_C0251

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 251 Colby Place, Marlboro Township, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 178, Lot: 2, QCode: C0251
Assessment (2024): $259,000
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 14,573
Area: 19479.7 acres
Perimeter: 26.09 miles
Population 2020: 41502
Pop Density 2020: 1364/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Marlboro Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.364130016353-74.2905279415751330_178_290_C0230230 Hidden Lake Driveredacted-o8$384,800$9,231
40.364175361052-74.2904544662671330_178_290_C0228228 Hidden Lake Driveredacted-o8$381,600$9,154
40.364211211015-74.2903737801361330_178_290_C0226226 Hidden Lake Driveredacted-o8$381,800$9,159
40.364237565424-74.2902858845281330_178_290_C0224224 Hidden Lake Driveredacted-o8$390,900$9,377
40.364290992838-74.2902069857991330_178_290_C0222222 Hidden Lake Driveredacted-o8$393,700$9,444
40.364382238654-74.290001620161330_178_290_C0220220 Hidden Lake Driveredacted-o8$408,000$9,787
40.364611375725-74.2908554892721330_178_2_C0255255 Colby Placeredacted-o8$288,400$6,918
40.364624494577-74.2907725353871330_178_2_C0253253 Colby Placeredacted-o8$281,000$6,741
40.364672199271-74.2907153268531330_178_2_C0251251 Colby Placeredacted-o8$259,000$6,213
40.364677342114-74.2906293319231330_178_2_C0249249 Colby Placeredacted-o8$274,300$6,580
40.364727025103-74.2905714527641330_178_2_C0247247 Colby Placeredacted-o8$268,800$6,448
40.364730077747-74.2904862712871330_178_2_C0245245 Colby Placeredacted-o8$272,900$6,546
40.364765104366-74.2904206463291330_178_2_C0243243 Colby Placeredacted-o8$259,000$6,213
40.364807185092-74.2903564569951330_178_2_C0241241 Colby Placeredacted-o8$285,900$6,858
40.365037111003-74.2914333030911330_178_2_C0207207 Colby Placeredacted-o8$286,400$6,870
40.365074088712-74.2901663276731330_178_2_C0239239 Colby Placeredacted-o8$319,900$7,674
40.365090051574-74.2913904842541330_178_2_C0209209 Colby Placeredacted-o8$308,500$7,400
40.365120855338-74.290226194241330_178_2_C0237237 Colby Placeredacted-o8$300,800$7,216
40.365132903297-74.2913356383391330_178_2_C0211211 Colby Placeredacted-o8$290,800$6,976
40.36514579585-74.2903040868051330_178_2_C0235235 Colby Placeredacted-o8$270,000$6,477
40.365191898401-74.2913104184691330_178_2_C0213213 Colby Placeredacted-o8$299,600$7,187
40.36519430062-74.2903514492471330_178_2_C0233233 Colby Placeredacted-o8$297,200$7,129

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