// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 9 Octavia Pl owned by redacted-o9 in Keyport Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 9 Octavia Pl, Keyport Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1324_100_25

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 9 Octavia Pl, Keyport Borough, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 100, Lot: 25
Assessment (2024): $427,800
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,399
Area: 927.842 acres
Perimeter: 6.62 miles
Population 2020: 7204
Pop Density 2020: 4969/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Keyport Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.433178189796-74.1952804073031324_100_1997 E. Hurleyredacted-o8$380,400$8,145
40.433187760944-74.1955015154171324_100_20.0143 Van Dornredacted-o8$338,200$6,875
40.433305819833-74.1949858393681324_100_1713 E. Hurleyredacted-o8$475,300$9,778
40.433392325905-74.1952897671161324_100_21.0139 Van Dorn St.redacted-o8$408,000$8,730
40.433405244435-74.196037121141324_99_1220 Van Dornredacted-o8$300,900$6,642
40.433467072141-74.1953305839991324_100_22.0141 Van Dorn St.redacted-o8$376,800$8,016
40.433478856985-74.1960590087711324_99_11Van Dorn Stredacted-o8$16,600
40.433545775263-74.1960789112161324_99_1018 Van Dorn Streetredacted-o8$359,100$7,323
40.433590199623-74.1948888511941324_100_1610 Octaviaredacted-o8$437,100$9,389
40.433617079468-74.1954116120711324_100_2423 Van Dornredacted-o8$350,400$7,125
40.433619388451-74.196100794181324_99_916 Van Dorn Streetredacted-o8$313,000$6,791
40.433685786212-74.1954501560291324_100_259 Octavia Plredacted-o8$427,800$8,748
40.433710400503-74.1961278557581324_99_814 Van Dorn Streetredacted-o8$446,900$9,038
40.433710504969-74.1947511254691324_100_158 Octaviaredacted-o8$469,300$9,574
40.433791031486-74.19548452621324_100_2617 & 19 Van Dorn Stredacted-o8$432,400$8,774
40.433892337145-74.1955631959481324_100_2815 Van Dornredacted-o8$345,100$7,029
40.433943438296-74.1961424144361324_99_6112 Mapleredacted-o8$345,500$7,350
40.433952951147-74.1951792991621324_100_117 Octaviaredacted-o8$435,700$8,835
40.433973209011-74.1960419794571324_99_7114 Maple Plredacted-o8$244,100$4,949
40.43404898214-74.1950320772711324_100_105 Octavia Plredacted-o8$302,600$6,011
40.434050131209-74.195755820281324_100_120 Maple Plredacted-o8$493,800$10,348
40.434101851842-74.1955699001831324_100_1.0118 Maple Plredacted-o8$312,900$6,646
40.434113948267-74.1949275746221324_100_93 Octavia Plredacted-o8$313,000$6,591
40.434193273359-74.1954082452781324_100_216 Mapleredacted-o8$370,500$7,865
40.434233053228-74.1947359851831324_100_78 Burtina Plredacted-o8$466,900$9,647

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