// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 49 Park Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in Keansburg Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 49 Park Ave., Keansburg Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1323_116_9

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 49 Park Ave., Keansburg Borough, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 116, Lot: 9
Assessment (2024): $268,700
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 11'
Preliminary BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 12'
Effective Flood Zone: AE
Preliminary Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,480
Area: 776.323 acres
Perimeter: 6.78 miles
Population 2020: 9755
Pop Density 2020: 8042/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Keansburg Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.444154693025-74.1272752557881323_120_147 Willis Averedacted-o8$265,800$5,941
40.444198915752-74.126809979241323_119_210 Willis Avenueredacted-o8$283,700$6,376
40.444250109181-74.1266379461881323_119_10Forest Averedacted-o8$4,100$69
40.4442665979-74.1268265706481323_119_38 Willis Ave.redacted-o8$239,700$5,148
40.444272896126-74.1278659824581323_120_1034 Park Averedacted-o8$286,600$6,977
40.444333944248-74.1276009762041323_120_1242 Park Avenueredacted-o8$214,100$4,573
40.444343261066-74.1273239402271323_120_1350 Park Ave.redacted-o8$318,200$7,793
40.444407359256-74.1269172006481323_119_456 Park Ave.redacted-o8$424,600$10,354
40.444424793457-74.1267536130051323_119_558 Park Averedacted-o8$254,200$5,331
40.444644804406-74.1279789461571323_115_835 Park Averedacted-o8$240,800$4,923
40.444657011342-74.1278885406711323_115_737 Park Averedacted-o8$290,800$6,767
40.444674416748-74.1277527699041323_115_653 Briarwood Averedacted-o8$316,600$7,324
40.444695144584-74.1273426930431323_116_949 Park Ave.redacted-o8$268,700$5,976
40.444762910208-74.127118342951323_116_1051 Park Ave.redacted-o8$302,000
40.444787004925-74.1269423123851323_116_1153 Park Avenueredacted-o8$253,000$5,591
40.444818053323-74.1267216068141323_116_1257 Park Averedacted-o8$372,300$7,852
40.444861796464-74.1279254204181323_115_549 Briarwood Averedacted-o8$305,300$7,026
40.444891930135-74.1273811219281323_116_852 Briarwood Averedacted-o8$392,100$9,538
40.444984440906-74.1279495169951323_115_4.0145 Briarwood Averedacted-o8$267,700$5,982
40.445030845193-74.1271053822591323_116_271a Evergreen Pl.redacted-o8$241,000$5,752
40.445046349727-74.1273227774271323_116_750 Briarwood Averedacted-o8$245,500$5,066
40.445092224947-74.12738469541323_116_648 Briarwood Averedacted-o8$231,000$4,996
40.445116655868-74.1279206925711323_115_4.0243 Briarwood Averedacted-o8$293,200$6,897
40.445152112727-74.1268622615741323_116_261 Evergreen Pl.redacted-o8$306,400$7,371
40.445191752996-74.1274046992141323_116_544 Briarwood Ave.redacted-o8$366,100$8,679

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