// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 314 Allen Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Allenhurst Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 314 Allen Ave, Allenhurst Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1302_16_5

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 314 Allen Ave, Allenhurst Borough, New Jersey
County: Monmouth
Block: 16, Lot: 5
Assessment (2024): $1,607,800
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 347
Area: 166.784 acres
Perimeter: 2.35 miles
Population 2020: 472
Pop Density 2020: 1811/sq-mi

17 neighbors in Allenhurst Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.236137024885-74.0052807503651302_14_10311 Allen Averedacted-o8$3,378,800$16,051
40.236151834415-74.0061359072731302_14_16318 Main Stredacted-o8$1,392,400$6,037
40.23576042313-74.006330259971302_16_1400 Main Stredacted-o8$2,226,500$10,317
40.235561488569-74.0063901842731302_16_2402 Main Stredacted-o8$1,021,800$4,305
40.235660080015-74.0060932996381302_16_3318 Allen Averedacted-o8$2,721,500$12,071
40.235632962045-74.005899494881302_16_4316 Allen Averedacted-o8$2,665,300$11,711
40.235608309414-74.0057233093121302_16_5314 Allen Averedacted-o8$1,607,800$7,500
40.235583655314-74.0055471232381302_16_6310 Allen Averedacted-o8$2,230,300$9,544
40.235552838833-74.0053268894451302_16_7308 Allen Averedacted-o8$3,609,100$17,327
40.235515857849-74.0050626114541302_16_8306 Allen Averedacted-o8$3,523,900$16,828
40.235104612313-74.0051150728821302_16_12305 Elberon Averedacted-o8$2,615,600$11,419
40.235129264482-74.0052912562291302_16_13307 Elberon Averedacted-o8$3,000,600$13,679
40.235153919493-74.0054674398561302_16_14309 Elberon Averedacted-o8$2,585,300$12,493
40.235178572843-74.0056436256051302_16_15311 Elberon Avenueredacted-o8$2,579,700$11,405
40.235203224624-74.0058198124181302_16_16315 Elberon Averedacted-o8$2,256,600$9,593
40.235227878345-74.0059959975091302_16_17317 Elberon Avenueredacted-o8$2,486,500$10,661
40.235252530338-74.006172181961302_16_18319 Elberon Averedacted-o8$1,109,100$9,278

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