// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 340 David St owned by redacted-o9 in South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 340 David St, South Amboy, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1220_70_29

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 340 David St, South Amboy, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 70, Lot: 29
Assessment (2023): $224,300
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,153
Area: 1263.86 acres
Perimeter: 5.73 miles
Population 2020: 9411
Pop Density 2020: 4766/sq-mi

27 neighbors in South Amboy whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.480789092846-74.2849022731091220_75_10349 David Stredacted-o8$218,000$6,731
40.480824022522-74.2848251821411220_75_11347 David Stredacted-o8$207,100$6,395
40.480864541193-74.2847357565551220_75_12345 David Stredacted-o8$221,000$6,824
40.480916936631-74.2846201201511220_75_13341 David Stredacted-o8$224,200$6,923
40.480963743146-74.2845168180941220_75_14339 David Stredacted-o8$192,900$5,956
40.480998673013-74.2844397267271220_75_15337 David Stredacted-o8$234,400$7,238
40.481033602827-74.2843626352791220_75_16335 David Stredacted-o8$214,000$6,608
40.481068532943-74.2842855440551220_75_17333 David Stredacted-o8$240,700$7,432
40.48107083343-74.2854330981451220_70_33354 David Stredacted-o8$268,700$8,297
40.481157858707-74.2852400047641220_70_32348 David Stredacted-o8$217,600$6,719
40.481227478876-74.2850855300981220_70_31346 David Stredacted-o8$219,200$6,768
40.481281581912-74.2849748548381220_70_30342 David Stredacted-o8$226,000$6,978
40.481310493589-74.2848932462661220_70_29340 David Stredacted-o8$224,300$6,926
40.481325433011-74.2855778246421220_70_5355 Augusta Stredacted-o8$242,300$7,482
40.481366718388-74.2847765801831220_70_28338 David Stredacted-o8$193,300$5,969
40.481395053425-74.2854233497221220_70_6351 Augusta Stredacted-o8$241,500$7,457
40.481450261714-74.2845912093851220_70_27332 David Stredacted-o8$310,500$9,588
40.481464673734-74.2852688748861220_70_7347 Augusta Stredacted-o8$267,700$8,266
40.481533804701-74.2844058380141220_70_26.02328 David Stredacted-o8$230,800$7,127
40.481534293835-74.2851143997321220_70_8.01341 Augusta Stredacted-o8$338,600$10,455
40.481603913728-74.2849599242591220_70_8337 Augusta Stredacted-o8$272,500$8,164
40.481606904441-74.284243637561220_70_26.01326 David Stredacted-o8$327,800
40.481664830821-74.2848247575321220_70_9335 Augusta Stredacted-o8$232,300$7,173
40.48171704575-74.2847089001821220_70_10333 Augusta Stredacted-o8$259,100$8,001
40.481760557724-74.28461235211220_70_11329 Augusta Stredacted-o8$205,800$6,355
40.481788448824-74.2855862874611220_66_7348 Augusta Stredacted-o8$238,400$7,361
40.481814860661-74.2844918603471220_70_12325 Augusta Stredacted-o8$463,100$14,300

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