// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 528 Alpine St owned by redacted-o9 in South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 528 Alpine St, South Amboy, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1220_144_27

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 528 Alpine St, South Amboy, New Jersey
County: Middlesex
Block: 144, Lot: 27
Assessment (2023): $174,400
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,153
Area: 1263.86 acres
Perimeter: 5.73 miles
Population 2020: 9411
Pop Density 2020: 4766/sq-mi

24 neighbors in South Amboy whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.484564207603-74.295707277761220_144_30419 Raritan Stredacted-o8$231,500$7,148
40.484666362262-74.2952798546531220_144_23412 Conover Stredacted-o8$286,500$8,847
40.484669691747-74.2961694236131220_150_1424 Raritan Stredacted-o8$241,400$7,454
40.484693158857-74.2956475088991220_144_29413 Raritan Stredacted-o8$206,600$6,379
40.48482211031-74.2955877405031220_144_28409 Raritan Stredacted-o8$320,400$9,893
40.484825640017-74.2961838078441220_150_2414 Raritan Stredacted-o8$242,400$7,485
40.484901446139-74.295075873251220_144_24518 Alpine Stredacted-o8$278,500$8,600
40.484947083052-74.2952447585721220_144_25522 Alpine Stredacted-o8$243,800$7,528
40.484951061665-74.2955279719081220_144_26.02405 Raritan Stredacted-o8$186,400$5,756
40.484953277073-74.2961270017531220_150_3408 Raritan Stredacted-o8$202,000$6,237
40.485057194801-74.295383759461220_144_26.01524 Alpine Stredacted-o8$143,200$4,172
40.485082265105-74.2960673691041220_150_4406 Raritan Stredacted-o8$228,200$6,796
40.485102831041-74.295552645391220_144_27528 Alpine Stredacted-o8$174,400$5,385
40.485211253262-74.2960077361561220_150_5402 Raritan Stredacted-o8$233,900$7,222
40.485246642393-74.2950108911021220_149_27396 Conover Stredacted-o8$264,300$8,161
40.485337915564-74.2953486635561220_149_1397 Raritan Stredacted-o8$229,700$7,093
40.485340241222-74.2959481025761220_150_6Raritan Stredacted-o8$253,400
40.48534335574-74.2949660632041220_149_26394 Conover Stredacted-o8$174,600$5,391
40.485440068795-74.2949212354681220_149_25392 Conover Stredacted-o8$228,600$7,059
40.485466866731-74.2952888939411220_149_2395 Raritan Stredacted-o8$270,500$8,353
40.48546922886-74.2958884685291220_150_8396 Raritan Stredacted-o8$220,700$6,815
40.485552036832-74.2948693370291220_149_24.01386 Conover Stredacted-o8$277,400$8,566
40.485582922711-74.2952351011341220_149_3393 Raritan Stredacted-o8$284,200$8,776
40.485598216883-74.2958288342631220_150_9394 Raritan Stredacted-o8$246,700$7,618

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